Chapter 2

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Chapter II

My eyesight starts to become hazy but I can see another set of feet running with us. Who though? They can't belong to Ashlynn or Camille. Victoria hates me and doesn't anything to do with me now. The legs are too muscular... Jakob? I really doubt he would... That only leaves Xaivier. Then the thought leaves my head as everything becomes a hazed blur. I can only hear the crashing of leaves and bushes. We must be in the forest. Finally I feel Jason slowing down. What seems like hours later, he comes to a total stop, then carefully sets me down by a creek.

"Alice... Alice, babe, are you alright?" I hear Jason trying to bring me back and feel him shaking me vigorously. I blinked a few times then rubbed my eyes.

"Jason..." I moan... The I try to stand up but he pushes me back down. I looked at him in confusion.

"You are too weak Alice. You need to sit down and rest baby. Alright?" Jason says then stands up and gets some water from the creek. He comes back over and dabs some of the cool, refreshing water on my face.

"Thank you...-"

Then, I black out...

* * *

Hours must have passed while I was out. I open my eyes and notice my eyesight is normal once again. I prop myself up on one elbow and see that I am huddled up next to Xaivier. He was still sound asleep. I smile and then go to brush my hair out of my face. Then I realize, its not blond... its as black as the night sky.

"Good morning beautiful," Jason says. I turn around and see him leaning against against a tree next to the creek. He walks over to me and helps me up. I am a little unsteady on my feet but Jason holds me up in a powerful embrace. He holds my face in his hands and kisses me softly. I smile and stand up-right

Then I hold a few locks of my hair and raise an eyebrow at him. He laughs softly and hands me a mirror. All my hair is deep black. "Why?"

"Since I bit you last night your hair will change colour when you change form."

I had completely forgotten about last night. I rub my head to soothe its nasty ache. I walk over to the creek and put some cold water on my head like Jason did last night. I sit down and close my eyes. Jason comes over and sits next to me. He wraps is cold arm around me and holds me close to him.

"Alice. No one can know I turned you. That's why the three of us ran away. I told Xaivier because it was mainly his idea," Jason whispers gently in my ear.

"So Camille and Ashlynn don't know? But Victoria pretty much does know..."

"We were going to change you and just keep it a secret. But Victoria figured it out. She was still lingering around when I changed you and you were defenceless so she made her move to kill you off. So we had no choice but to run off to where we have been for the last 6 months." I nod my head and look into his dark eyes. He smiles warmly and I am filled with happiness. I rest my head on his shoulder and kisses my forehead. "Baby don't worry. You have me now. Everything will be OK. I promise."

Just then there is a rustling behind us. We turn, expecting to see Xaivier getting out of bed. But instead we see Victoria crashing through the trees. My eyes get wide and Jason grabs my hand and picks Xaivier up and starts to run. It is all happening so fast, I start stumbling and tripping on roots and shrubs.

Finally Xaivier comes to and and gets down. He pulls me up on his shoulders and keeps running. We start to get deeper and deeper into the woods. More and more trees pop up here and there. I can tell Xaivier is getting tired.

"Jason, we need to take a break. Victoria won't chase us this far," Xaivier says panting and out of breath.

"Fine. I don't hear anything anymore. C'mon Alice. Xaivier, you keep watch for a while."

I follow Jason over to a small, damp cave. He walks me in and lays down with me right by his side. He turns onto his side and looks into my now purple eyes from change. He closes his gentle eyes and kisses me just perfectly. Not too light or too hard. And for an extensive time. I bet a minute went by before he pulled away and grinned, his beautiful white fangs glimmering in the moonlight.

"I am really sorry I got you into all this baby," he says taking my dainty hands in his powerful ones. "Won't people notice you are gone?"

"My parents know I really hate my life. They will probably think I committed suicide our ran away from home. Everyone hates me at school. They will think I committed suicide too..."

"OK babe, I understand." Then he kisses me under the shimmering moonlight again. He wraps his strong arms around my pale neck and doesn't let go. He kisses me just perfectly. I couldn't have asked for a better time for my first true moment of real happiness. "I love you baby."

"I love you too."

The Enchanted Woods: book 1Where stories live. Discover now