chapter eight: letting the lies slip up

Start from the beginning

Her beautiful smile lit up her face. "Liam, you make it so hard to be upset at you. This is why I fancy you too. How about we do something tomorrow?" I cant turn her down now. "How about I take you to dinner?" Her smile grew larger and she nodded. "That sounds great. Message me later for more details." I nodded my head and stood up. She stood up and started walking toward the door. I grabbed her wrist and spun her around before she could take another step.

"Theres something I didnt get a chance to do the other day." She opened her mouth to speak but I cut her off and crashed our lips together. I wanted to stay like this forever. The spark was so incredable. Then I heard the door open. I pulled away when I heard the person shout, "Liam, what the hell?!" Of course Harry had to come in and ruin the moment. He grabbed her wrist and pulled her out the door. I quickly followed. "Why do you always do this? She fancied me first so why are you trying to steal her from me?" He released his grip on her and looked straight into my eyes. "At least im not the one breaking promices."

Emma looked at both of us. "What?"

*Emma's POV*

"What?" That was all I said. What does he mean he broke a promice? The only promice that I made with Liam is not to tell Harry about me. He didnt break that promice already, did he? Harry told me he remembered on his own. "Liam, you broke my promice? How could you? I thought I could trust you! I guess I was wrong!" My voice grew louder. I didnt have anything else to say to him. Now, that I think about it, Harry lied to me too. He told me he remembered but Liam told him everything. I turned on my heels and marched to the door.

"Mary c'mon. We're leaving." I didnt bother to turn around but I heard her footsteps quickly catch up to me. "I'll drive you girls home." Louis' farmiliar voice caught up to us. I was just glad it wasnt Liam or Harry. Mary sat in the passenger seat while I took the back seat.

The drive back to my house was short and quiet. I was too angry to speak. I was surprisingly happy school was tomorrow. I needed to get my mind off of things. He pulled into my driveway after dropping off Mary. I turned to exit the car. "Emma?" He caught me off guard. I turned back toward him. "Yea?" He looked at me with sympathy in his eyes. "Things will get better, and if you ever need someone to talk to, im all ears." I gave him a quick smile. "Thanks, Lou." I left the car and quickly ran up to my room. I needed sleep to over take me. I hadnt noticed how tired I was until I layed on my bed. I pulled the comforter over and was immediatly taken over by slumber.

~in the morning~

I took the last bite of bacon and started walking toward the door. "Do you have everything you need for school?" My mom called from the kitchen. I rolled my eyes. "Yes, i do. Bye mom, see you!" I opened the door and walked out, shuting it behind me.

I wallked to my car and sat in the drivers seat for a minute. All the events last night had caused my brain to go nuts this morning. I couldnt think straight. I need to focus on anything but Liam and Harry for right now. I drove off toward Mary's house to pick her up for school.

I pulled into her driveway but she was already standing on her porch waiting for me. She opened the car door and sat in the passenger seat. I didnt speak as I pulled out and drove to school. I didnt have much to say about the situation, and I knew I was vulnerable. Mary didnt speak either, probably noticing my behavior.

I finally parked my car in the lot and got out. Mary made her way to my side and asked, "Are you okay?" Was I alright? I was usually a rebel, a bad ass, but those boys made me vulnerable. How could they? "Yea, Im alright." She nodded her head but didnt say another word.

All my classes seemed to go by really fast. My thoughts didnt linger on two certain boys today, and I was proud of myself. Before I knew it I was walking back to my car. I told Rebecca at lunch that I could drive her home today. I give Mary a ride to school most days so she is usually with me. We were talking about the usual girl topics when I noticed a figure leaning against my car. Who was that? Why were they on my car? Mary and Rebecca saw it too so I knew I was really going completely crazy. We continued to walk to my car and the figure striaghtened up and walked toward us.

As the person grew closer I made out who it was. I wanted to turn away and leave him there. I wanted to yell at him. He stood in front of us and we both stopped in our tracks. He was taller than me so I had to look up to see his eyes. He took his gaze from me to Mary then Rebecca. He looked at Rebecca with a confused and shocked expression. "Rebecca?" He spoke. Rebecca looked up from her phone and had the same expression he did, but with a hint of disgust. "What are you doing here?" She snapped at him. Did I miss something? How do they know each other? "I came to speak to Emma."

She narrowed her eyes at him. "I thought I said I didnt want to ever see you again. Especially, not after that night." What night? What were they talking about? Mary and I just stood there speachless. "I told you I was sorry. Can you just forgive me?" He took a step closer to her but she stepped back. "I cant just forgive and forget. You ruined my life. Why do you think I moved?" I was tired of being confused so I stepped in.

"Okay, what happen between you two?" He looked at Rebecca but didnt speak. Rebecca was the first to speak. "I was his one night stand after the concert that I went to. He said there was nothing going on, it was just a one time thing. The kids at my school found out and started calling me slut and holding it over me. I lost all my friends and was alone to defend myself. Everyone else in my town found out and treated me differently. They would barly look at me. Sometimes my parents couldnt even look at me. I was hurt so bad that my mom and dad decided to leave the states and didnt tell me where we were moving until we got here." She finished her story and I turned to him in shock and disgust. "How could you do that to her? You told me you were different. I thought I could trust you. Dont even try and apologize to me. It doesnt mean anything." I shoved past him and walked to my car. Mary and Rebecca followed.

I was about to open the door when his voice caught me off guard. "Emma, please listen to me. I can explain everything. Just give me a chance." I shut my eyes to keep the tears from falling. Too late. A couple silent tears ran down my cheek. I turned to him and looked straight into his eyes. He has hurt me so much. "I'm done. You dont need to explain anything. Goodbye, Harry, again."

Without another word I stepped into my car and roared it to life. I reversed out of the lot. Mary and Rebecca didnt speak as I drove to Rebecca's house. It wasnt far from Mary and I's house so I quickly dropped them both off and drove to my house. I parked my car and went straight to my room. I sat on my bed and pulled out my phone. 6 missed calls and 8 new messages. I looked at the missed calls first.

4 were from Liam and 2 were from Harry. Next were the messages.

From: Leeyum

Im so sorry. I didnt mean to tell him.

From: Leeyum

Please talk to me. Im really worried

From: Harry

Im sorry. I promice you I have changed. give me a chance, please

From: Leeyum

Emma, please speak to me. I cant explain how sorry I am, give me a chance to explain myself

From: Harry

I need my best friend back. Please speak to me

From: Harry

Emma I will do something dramatic if you dont speak to me soon.

From: Leeyum

I get that you probably hate me now, but just give me a chance to explain.

From: Louis

I heard what happen. Do you want to talk?

The last one from Louis caught me off guard. I wanted to talk to Liam and give him a chance to explain. I didnt get the whole story last night. I wanted to talk it out first.

To: Louis

Yes, please. Can you come over?

From: Louis

Be there in a few :) stay strong till I get there

With that, I knew I could trust Louis with anything. He was the kind of friend that will be with me through any situation.


ok, theres chapter 8! :D so happy. Do you think emma will forgive liam or harry? comment if you think she will or if you think something will go on with louis and emma.


Emma xx

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