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After keeping my hands to myself for the rest of the night so Beau can mingle with the rest of his family and friends at his viewing party, I’m hardly able to stay on my side of the cab of Beau’s truck as he drives us back to my house in the early morning hours. Beau laughs at me as he pushes my roaming hands away, muttering something about if I’m trying to make him wreck. I just giggle in reply and trail my lips down his neck.

“Fuck, McKenzie!” he hollers when I bite down, making him jerk the wheel. He turns and looks at me with a smirk. “Just how many shots did you do with the girls?”

“Enough,” I drawl, unable to remember the correct number. It’s his fault for leaving me alone at the bar with Emma and Violet. He should have known what would happen.  He finally pulls up in front of my house. “What? No candles?” I pout playfully.

“Sorry, darlin’. Maybe next time,” he winks at me before he pushes open the door to his left.

Figuring I’m closer to his side than my own, I slide across the seat towards him. He holds out a hand to help me and chuckles as I stumble out onto the ground below. I lean into his side for support while we walk to the front door. He pulls the keys he confiscated from me earlier out of his pocket and unlocks the door. I stumble through the now open doorway laughing.

“Easy there,” he chuckles.

I turn back towards him and stumble quite ungracefully into his arms. I loop my arms around his neck and pull him in for a kiss. We stumble backwards until I hit the back of the couch. Beau reaches out to brace himself against the couch, caging me in between his strong arms. I pull closer to him, eliminating all space between us.

“I love you,” I murmur against his lips in between kisses.

Beau grabs ahold of my arms and pulls them off him. He uses his hold to brace me when I sway backwards. His blue eyes gaze deep into my own with such an intensity that I begin to feel self-conscious under his scrutiny.

“What?” I finally mumble after several moments of tense silence.

“Do you?” he asks softly. My heart aches at the apprehension in his voice.

“Of course I do.”

Beau lets my arms slide out of his grasp. I brace my hands on his chest and lean in to plant a kiss on the hollow of his throat. I slide my fingers down the front of his shirt, unfastening his buttons as I go.

“Don’t be silly,” I whisper against him as I trail my lips down his now exposed skin.

He puts a finger under my chin to stop me before a reach his belt buckle. Placing a thumb on the front of my chin, he gently pulls my face back up to his. His eyes look into mine for a moment, then drop down to my mouth before returning to my eyes. I swallow hard when I see him scrape his teeth against his bottom lip.

“Beau,” I groan, unable to stand being so close to him and unable to touch him.

A growl comes from Beau’s throat at the sound of his name being called in such a manner. His hands fly out to grab my hips. He pulls me close roughly, his lips immediately finding that spot on my neck that he knows drives me crazy. I lean into his touch and moan when I feel his erection brush against me. His lips travel further south, across my collarbone and the top of my cleavage. I suck in a deep breath when he bites my breast right above the fabric of my bra. I reach for his belt buckle. My fingers curl around the cool metal which I use to pull him closer. I let my other hand travel down his torso to help me unfasten his buckle, but he stops me before I can pull his belt apart.

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