"I've never been to your house..." (Y/N) mumbles, the underline annoyance in there voice pulling Ben from his thoughts.

"Did you want to?" The shorter teen asks, making (Y/N) blush.

I-I didn't...say that." The (H/C) mumbles and Ben nods.

"I'll bring you over more often."

"What? Don't do that. I don't want to meet your family."

Ben comes to a stop before turning to stare at his friend, watching (Y/N) grow uneasy under his gaze. "You don't feel worthy." He says, no question in his voice. His guess is right, as made obvious by the uncomfortable shifting (Y/N) is now doing under his gaze

"I'm not a family dog." (Y/N) mumbles.

Ben's eyes widen before he quickly snatches up (Y/N) wrist and drags them the last few feet to his house. He slams the door shut and before (Y/N) can so much as ask what's going on, a strong pair of hands grab his shoulders. "You're a member of our bey team No one in Beast is a dog, and no one in Beast will be treated as one by anyone including themselves." His voice is firm, as well as his grasp, and (Y/N) simply finds themselves nodding to whatever he says.

"You know..." Soft (H/C) hair brushes Ben cheek as (Y/N) rests on Ben shoulder. "You're too nice to strays."

"What did I just say? You're no stray, or pet, you're a friend." Ben says, running his fingers over an old mark on (Y/N)'s arm. "This is your past..."Ben told them.

-Time Skip-

"Want to go to my bed...room?" Ben says awkwardly. "T-to play video games."

(Y/N) raises a brow, but nods anyways, following him upstairs.

"Would you like if I...didn't need you anymore?" (Y/N) mumbles and Ben turns to look at them. They stand there in an awkward silence for a moment, both just staring at each other, until Ben decides to break it.

"We're friends. I won't ever let you go." He answers, making (Y/N) pout a little.

"That's not what I asked."

"I would like it...if you needed me forever." Ben says before looking away embarrassed. "But I want you to eat even when I'm not around. It's unhealthy to eat so little."

(Y/N) stares at him in awe for a moment before taking a step forward.

"I'm not hungry when you're not around." They admits. "I can't relax enough to eat when I'm not with you. You're the one I trust, the one I need beside me..."There voice grows quieter with each word, but Ben has no problem hearing it as the (H/C) closes the distance between them. Before either of them has time to rethink the idea (Y/N) wraps their arms around Ben's neck and closes the distance between them with a light kiss.

 "Where are you going?"

"...Back." (Y/N) mumbles, keeping their eyes firmly planted on the ground as Ben turns (Y/N) back towards him.

"Why?" Ben asks, leaning down to try and look at (Y/N)'s face.

"Be...because friend don't...kiss each other." (Y/N) whispers, making sure to turn so Ben can't see.

"No, friends don't normally kiss. But if their feelings are more than that of friendship it's not bad. Right?" Ben asks, smiling gently as (Y/N) remains silent. "So if I said you're not the only one feeling that, could you look at me?"

"I like you." Ben says, smiling wider at the flustered look on (Y/N)'s face.

 Now you're my significant other."Ben smiles. "Right?"

(Y/N)'s grip on Ben wrists weakens. "What? Um...I guess...maybe?"

"Definitely." Ben says decidedly before leaning forward and kissing them. This time no one leaves and things quickly progress into a deeper kiss between two awkward young teens. Hands roam, exploring each other's bodies before Ben snatches up one of (Y/N)'s arms. Bringing the (S/C) flesh to his lips, Ben places a light kiss on one of (Y/N)'s scars before licking it.

"What...are you doing?" (Y/N) asks and Ben smiles at him.

"Replacing the bad memories these scars give you with good ones."

"...That's cheesy."

"Mm...so I'm cheesy." Ben murmurs.

Later in the evening  Phoebe and Ken look to the door to see an almost proud looking Ben followed by a flustered (Y/N). They share a look as (Y/N) and Ben sit down. Much to Phoebe's annoyance, however, Ben is even more doting than before.

"Such an idiot couple."Phoebe groans.

"You didn't really expect that to stop, right?" The younger man asks and Phoebe sighs.

"I was hoping."

The End!

Beyblade Burst/Turbo x reader one shots (DISCONTUNED)Where stories live. Discover now