Jay fell onto the ground, his levitation spell that he had casted on himself that cost extreme focus was broken.

'DG..... I'll murder him... I know he did something... I can sense it...' Jay cursed the other once again.


Daniel pulled away as he blushed to rival a stop sign, he covered his face.

'I'm awful, I'm awful, I'm awful...' Daniel chanted, he felt the weight come off his lap and hands pry the hands he had on his face.

DG was staring right at Daniel who was blushing redder.

"Uh.... hi?" Daniel said, he smiled nervously.

"You...." DG said.

"I'm sorry!" Daniel said, he expected DG to slap him instead he felt lips press against his.

Daniel's eyes widened, DG pinned his wrist to the back of the couch and kissed Daniel more passionately and roughly.

Daniel kissed back until they separated to gasp for air.

"You... like me?" Daniel gasped as DG blinked in disbelief at him.

"You thought I didn't? I even said I like you to our face..." DG remarked.

"I thought you only saw me as a close friend.... Like Crystal...." Daniel replied, DG ran a hand through his pink hair.

"If I saw you as I do Crystal, I wouldn't have kissed you... I would've sent you out." DG remarked, he moved to sit by Daniel on the couch.

Daniel watched DG as he sat there, rubbing his hands in his hair in stress, Daniel opened his mouth wanting to say something but the only words that came out were "I love you."

Daniel covered his mouth and turned red.

DG looked at him in surprise.

"What?" DG said.

"Jay! I'm sorry!" Daniel cried as he covered his ears as if he was afraid to hear what DG would say.

"Huh?" DG said, Daniel was crying now.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry... I can't choose between you and Jay... I like you both... it's hard. It's just so hard to choose either one of you." Daniel said.

DG moved to hold Daniel close, he tried to shush him with reassuring words that it was okay to be conflicted but this made Daniel cry harder.

"I know I'm being dramatic.... I know this is out of character for me.... But this is the first time I've ever been in a situation like this... I don't know what to do anymore." Daniel

"You're asking the wrong person... I'm biased remember? So obviously I'd want you to choose me and not that one..." DG said, Daniel sniffled as he looked up at DG.

"I want to slap you and kiss you at the same time right now.... One for not helping me and two because I love you... Oh my gosh.... How is Jay unaffected knowing that I like you too?" Daniel asked.

DG was surprised to hear this, "You actually told 'that' and he was indifferent about it?"

Daniel nodded, "He said he knows I'm confused... I reasoned with him but that it's hormones but he was upset to know that I still haven't decided I like you that way or not."

'Hmm... may the best man win... it's not the time to be thinking this...' DG thought as he pushed Daniel to lie on the couch and crawled over him.

"DG? What're you doing?" Daniel asked, he expected DG to say something like advice not this.

"Like I said, I'm biased... I think I'm the best option for you.... Imagine if Hong was in my position.... He'd be biased too." DG said, he cupped Daniel's face in one of his hands.

Daniel flushed, "Wait.... I'm still confused...."

DG sighed and moved closer.

Daniel squeezed his eyes shut, he was surprised when DG kissed his forehead and not his lips before assaulting him. DG got off of Daniel and stood next to him on the couch.

He looked at Daniel for a good while with Daniel returning his unreadable stare.

After a moment, DG sighed and said, "I'm going to bed."

Daniel silently watched the other go before he looked at his hands, tears falling onto his palms.

"I don't know who I want anymore... at first I wanted Jay but now I want DG..." Daniel curled up into a ball on the couch.


"Hey... hey... hey!"

Daniel groaned as he opened his eyes, he sat up in surprise.

He was surrounded by darkness, he looked up and saw Jay standing before him.

The same Jay with black hair.

"How do you always manage to be in my dreams?" Daniel asked.

"Plot reasons." he replied.

Daniel quirked an eyebrow.

"Look, you clearly didn't heed my advice from before..." the other said, he squeezed the bridge of his nose, "and this is why you're confused on who you want to be with..."

Daniel nodded.

"I'll tell you this, I'm not going to be biased for myself, " the flaw said, "Both of your options, though I hate that other guy too, are right for you."

"That's bad advice, I can't date two people at once...." Daniel said.

The flaw was silent.

"Sleep with them," the flaw said, Daniel sputtered at this straight-forward advice.

"But... that's extreme!" Daniel said, he scooted back from the flawed Jay.

"Well obviously kissing each of them didn't help make your choice... gotta move up to tier 15," the flaw said.

"No way, I'm not doing that, that's playing with their feelings...." Daniel stated.

"Then how do you propose you'd find out who you would be with?" the flaw said.

Daniel looked at the flaw where the eyes would be, he stared dead-on.

"That's up to destiny (AKA the Readers)."

And he woke up.

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