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"Eldarion! Don't use real swords!" I yelled.

"Yes mother!" he yelled back.

I could hear the giggles echoing through the halls as they ran further from my eyesight. I anxiously rubbed my belly as a warm hand laid on my shoulder. The cat purred by my side as I ran my hand over its soft belly. A clang of metal followed by a cry caused me to get up, but I was held back.

"I will go to them," said the love of my life.

I smiled and let him go. He kissed my forehead and watermelon sized belly before running down the hall. I laid my head back and took in slow breaths.

It had been years since the quest was over. I became queen, and our five children had been born. Eldarion was the eldest, now 20 years old. He was becoming more and more like his father, never listened to his mother and still didn't.

Hazel was the next born. Her bright blue eyes captivated our hearts and still do to this day. She's almost 16 now, nearly a grown woman and it pains me every day that she's no longer my little girl.

Claire was our third born. She got her eyes from her mom, but her blonde hair would always be a mystery. She just turned 14 the other day and acts twice her own age. She's still a daddy's girl, always following him around.

Wulf was our fourth born. A little mutt is what he is. Always getting into trouble and stressing me out. For a 10-year-old, you'd think he'd learn some manners but he hasn't. He lived up to his name when he went out hunting with Aragorn and killed a wolf with his bare hands, gave me a heart attack.

Arathorn II is our youngest. He's almost 5 and the baby for the moment. His personality has not fully developed, but I have a feeling he's going to be like his mother. I can only hope he doesn't get the stubborn gene from his father like his brothers.

The child in my belly on the other hand will be the last. I've told Aragorn that I have gone through enough childbirth for one lifetime. My hope is for a girl, but it kicks like a boy.

Family was visiting from all over, because tomorrow was Aragorn's 107th birthday. Each day I watched as he got stronger and wiser. His was hair turning greyer by the minute, giving him a sexy salt-and-pepper look. 

Even as the days, months, and years passed by my love and passion for him never faded. If it had, we wouldn't have had so many children. Speaking of such children, I felt a sudden pain in my stomach.

After having this many children, I knew the signs of labor and this was one of them. Our last child would be born on the eve of his birthday. As I rose from my throne, Éowyn came around the corner with her small belly and saw the pains of labor forming in my eyes.

Just as she opened her mouth, my water broke and a sudden rush of pain overtook me. I cried out in pain and Éowyn quickly grabbed my arm.

"Aragorn!" she yelled down the hall.

The sound of more than just one set of footsteps came running towards me as I was slowly walking back to our bedroom. I felt his warm hand on my back and some of the pain went away.

"I'm here love," he said in a soft voice, trying his best to soothe me and ease my pain.

I nodded my head and tried to focus on him, but these pains were not like any other. It felt like someone was tearing my uterus open from the inside out. I couldn't help but scream and hear the echoes through the halls.

I was laid on our bed just as another sharp pain coursed through my body. It felt like a shockwave of electricity flowed through my bones and I couldn't move my body for a short period of time.

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