Nightfall Comes (10)

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As we ran, I saw the sun slowly falling behind us. We wouldn't make it to the forest before the sun was down. The stars were creeping behind the sunlit sky and the moon was saying hello to those below.

I felt my lungs starting to give out and slowed down. Legolas looked back from way up ahead and jabbed Aragorn in the shoulder. He quickly turned around and ran back to me. I sat down and put my head between my legs. He made it to me in two long strides and put his hands around my face. I smiled and tried not to breathe so hard.

"Where does it hurt?" he asked.

"My lower back," I said through short breaths.

I felt his hands leave my face and him move around me. He slowly lifted up my shirt and I felt it peel away from my skin. It felt like he was slowly ripping off a band-aide from a fresh wound.

"You have a wound that is infected and is eating away your skin. I can stop the pain, but not the infection. We must make it to the forest. Stay here. I will gather a few herbs and tell everyone," said Aragorn.

Before I could say anything else, he ran back to the others and started to gather herbs. My entire back felt like hell and as if my nerves had been fried. I tried to sit up, but it sent a wave of fire up and down my body.

I cried out in pain and listened as multiple footsteps came over to me. I knew one of them was him, but the other was different. I looked up a slight bit and recognized Boromir's horn sitting on his hip.

I opened my mouth to say something, but just as I did Aragorn smothered a mixture of herbs into my wound. I cried out in pain and felt my back seize up. My whole body froze and I couldn't move anything.

"What did you do to her?" yelled Boromir.

"I don't know! It should have worked by now!" yelled a panicked Aragorn.

I watched him out of the corner of my eye start rummaging through his bag until he pulled out a bottle of clear liquid. He spun the top off and poured the liquid on my back. My whole body sprung back to life and I fell forwards. Boromir caught me just before my head could hit the ground. I gently pushed him away as I forced myself to sit up on the ground.

Aragorn quickly made it to me and put his hands on my face. I saw so much worry and pain in his eyes. I lifted my hand to his and gripped it as tightly as I could.

"You could have killed her," said Boromir above us.

Aragorn sharply stood up, looked at him, and said, "But I didn't did I? She is still breathing no? What could you have done for her?"

"I wouldn't have done what you did! I could've done better!" yelled Boromir.

Before Aragorn could rebuttal, I grabbed a hold of his leg and tugged at it.

"Stop it, both of you. It is neither of your faults. It is mine for getting hurt. Can I please get a hand here?" I asked.

They both stopped their fighting and reached out a hand. I took both of them and slowly stood up. I didn't feel any pain in my back, nor anywhere in my body. I didn't have that much strength, but I knew that would slowly come back.

I let go of Aragorn's hand and looked into Boromir's eyes.

"There was nothing different you could have done. Thank you," I said with a smile.

His hand tightened on mine and he smiled back. I slowly let go of his hand and looked back at Aragorn. Just as my eyes met his, I felt my whole body melt. I fell into him just as I took a step towards him.

"Whoa there! Take it easy love," he said with a smile.

"I'm sorry, didn't know that was going to happen," I said with a chuckle.

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