Carrying On (2)

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Aragorn's POV

As we ran from the falls, I felt very heavy in my heart. I simply let the love of my life die and float on, never to see her again. I kept trying to push the thought of her out of my head, but she stayed put. Not budging. She was still holding onto me and I was trying to let her go.

I forgot to move and stopped dead in my tracts. I looked back and called her name once more, releasing her spirit from within me. I felt lightened, but a part of her was still tied to me.

It was strange. This feeling was as if she was still near me. She was still alive and nearby, but I knew that to be untrue. I looked forward and thought of the two Hobbits. They still needed our help and there was nothing I could do about Sage. She would forever live on in my heart, but not in my arms.

Legolas patted me on the back and we took off running again. The scent of orc was still strong, so it was not difficult to keep up the trail. I kept looking for clues as we ran, but all I had to go on were orc footprints. I was hoping that the Hobbits would have gotten free and we'd find them soon, but the day dragged on and we were no closer to finding them.

I looked up and the stars were coming out. I used to feel her looking at them too, but she was not looking at them anymore. I felt wind catch in my throat and I stopped to cough.

"Everything alright?" asked Legolas.

"It will be once we find the Hobbits. Let's keep moving," I said.

"No, you need rest. We shall bed down for the night and continue tomorrow. We will find them," said Legolas.

I wanted to fight his advice, but now that I thought about it I was very fatigued. This day had been very draining and mournful. It was best that all of us took a night to rest, so we could gain enough energy for the next day.

I sat down beneath a tree and pulled out a blanket from my bag. As I went to lay it down on my body, I got a strong whiff of her. I pulled it closer to my face and took a deep breath. She was still with me no matter what I did. I felt tears well up in my eyes, but I pushed them away. I would not show my emotions anymore.

I focused on Gimli and Legolas gathering wood and making a fire instead. The smell of burning wood would clear my mind and help me sleep peacefully. I slowly closed my eyes with the fresh smell of burning pine in my lungs.

I woke the next day with a different feeling inside. That what was taken from me has come back to me. I couldn't figure out who, or what it was that was affecting me but I could see it on everyone's faces as they slowly woke up. Everyone had worn the same face yesterday, but today we all wore a different one. No longer mourning, but at peace. It felt like there was no reason to mourn. I didn't like this feeling and neither did anyone else.

No one said a word about it, but it was mutual enough. We repacked and headed out on the trail again. The smell of orc was fading bit by bit, but I could still follow it.

We ran for miles before a clue was found. Lying in the dirt in a hard place was a stomped on leaf broach. We all smiled with joy, but the joy quickly faded seeing that they were not set free but still being carried away. It was a clue nonetheless.

The trail then started to turn towards the Fangorn Forest. Something that Sage said clicked in my mind. They would be taken to Isengard, but not by orcs. I no longer had to worry about them being killed, but we still had to follow them for some reason.

The stars came out once again and we made camp. There were no trees around, so starting a fire would be a mistake. I lied down with my blanket wrapped around myself. There she was again; with me, but not next to me. I could feel her warmth and when I looked for her in the stars she was there. I could feel her eyes starring deep into mine. We were both looking for each other, but not able to find one another.

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