Over Rough Landscape (9)

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Each step I took felt like pure pain and agony. I had dried blood all over my hands and clothes. My whole body hurt just moving it in the slightest bit. I tried to stay at the back of the line and not be noticed, but Boromir turned around and saw me.

He quickly walked back to me and asked, "Are you alright?"

"I think I need some help actually," I said, making it come out louder than usual.

Funny enough, Aragorn looked back angry and pained. I wanted to laugh at the thought of that, but I actually felt bad for saying it. He was already under enough stress and I just added to it. I looked away from him and leaned on Boromir as he gave me his shoulder. He helped me sit down on a nearby rock and looked over all my cuts and bruises.

"Do you have any cloth I can use?" he asked in a soft and meaningful voice.

"I have a few in my backpack, but it pains me too much to take it off," I said.

He stood up and reached around my back. I felt him slowly lift the straps down each of my arms and set the bag near me.

Before he could reach in to grab the cloth, I said, "I can get it."

He backed up and let me lift the bag onto my lap. I knew what was in there and I couldn't take the risk of him finding it. I didn't want everyone to find out my secret, because it was mine to keep and not to tell; at least not now.

I handed him the little bit of cloth I had and my bottle of water. He refused the water and instead poured his flask of whiskey over all of my wounds. I had to bite my bottom lip to keep from screaming.

There was a massive gash on my right leg that had dirt and bits of rocks inside it. I reached to my side and pulled one of my blood soaked blades and told him to dig out what he could. He gave me a confused look, but did it anyway. Each piece of material he dug out felt like I was being stabbed over and over again. I felt tears forming in my eyes and a few slipped out.

"I'll stop if it hurts you so badly," he said.

"No, I can deal with it," I said through short breaths of pain.

He went back to work and thankfully he was done in a matter of seconds. He quickly poured more whiskey on the gash and this time I did let out a little yelp of pain. It was still fresh and sore, but there was more exposed flesh after he dug out the grime within it. He then wrapped everything he could without cutting off circulation to any of my limbs.

He then reached out his hand and helped me up. He reached down and picked up my backpack and I held my arms out as he slid the straps up my arms and gently let go of it. I felt the weight on my back come back, but it wasn't as bad as before. I had some strength come back in that short moment of rest.

"Thank you, I really needed that," I said with a smile.

I saw him smile, blush, bow his head, and walk back with the rest of the group. I thought to myself about him. He wasn't a bad guy. He had a courageous heart and looked after others. The only thing holding him back was the ring.

It had a hold on everyone. You couldn't see it just by looking at someone. It was hidden deep inside them. It lived inside me as well. Every time I looked at Frodo, the temptation was there. I could reach out and take it at any point in time if I wanted to.

This urge was difficult to suppress and I'll give it to Boromir for keeping it this hidden. I knew it was getting more and more difficult for him. He was weak and easy to control. Temptation was too easy for him. He was always hungry for power and control and so was the ring.

They had so much in common. Something made of metal carried the same wants and needs of a living man. It was incredible and very terrifying at the same time. Anyone could reach out and take the ring at any moment; it was just when that moment would happen. Until then, I could only watch from the sidelines and hope that I wouldn't be the one to give in.

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