Home (3)

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I stood on the steps and watched Wormtongue slither away out of the town. Something caught my eye. There was a woman wearing a hood. She was starring directly at me and for a moment I thought it was her. I went to take a step forward, but caught myself and headed back in with the others.

As the doors shut behind us, Boromir caught up to me and whispered something in my ear.

"Did you see her too?" he asked.

I stopped and looked at him and said, "I did, but you and I know that it was not her. She is gone."

I patted him on the back and continued to walk forwards. I had just made it beside the king and I heard something behind me. The doors swung open and a bright light filtered through it. I covered my eyes, but when I opened them they deceived me.

Standing in the doorway was none other than my love, Sage. Her hair was thrown about her face and the holes from being shot with an arrow were still apparent in her clothing. I went into complete disbelief. As soon as her dark blue and green eyes met mine, I knew it was her. There was no way it couldn't be.

The guards then seized her, but Théoden called out to release her. She started to walk towards us and I could hear Boromir beside me start to cry. He was the first to step out and walk towards her. She stopped and smiled.

"Is that you? Do my eyes not deceive me?" he asked.

She smiled and pulled the necklace he gave her from behind her shirt. He broke down and rushed over and hugged her. She slowly wrapped her arms around his body, but I could tell that he was not the one she wanted.

Before letting her go, he kissed her forehead and whispered thank you. Then Legolas, Gimli, and Gandalf approached her and hugged her. The second that they stepped away, I cleared my throat and made eye contact with her. I lost it right then. We both ran at each other and started to cry.

The woman I had lost had been returned to me. All the grief and mourning that had filled my heart escaped. My love was here and in one piece. I leaned my head down into her soft black hair and breathed her in. She was real. I pulled back and gathered her face in my hands. She was smiling and crying at the same time. No words needed to be said. I leaned in and kissed her. The sparks were still there. Someone cleared their throat behind us and we stopped and laughed. This would have to wait until later.

Sage's POV

The closer I got, the more clearly I could see. Théoden was sitting on his throne with Aragorn on his right and Éomer on his left. Boromir, Legolas, Gimli, and Gandalf were all behind Aragorn. The instant they saw me, smiles and disbelief crossed their faces. Boromir was the first to step out with tears in his eyes.

He asked, "Is that you? Do my eyes not deceive me?"

I lifted up the necklace he gave me from my neck and he grabbed ahold of me and held me tightly. I was a little uncomfortable, but I knew that he thought he was to blame for my death. I hugged him back and heard three sets of footsteps approach us. He backed up, but kissed my forehead before letting me go and whispered a thank you into my ear. Then Legolas, Gimli, and Gandalf gave me a hug. As soon as they stepped away from me, I saw him.

He was standing up next to the king in a kingly fashion. Any disbelief was settled then. We both ran at each other and tightly embraced. Both of us started to cry uncontrollably. He was real. This entire moment was real. I was alive.

He then pulled back and wiped away my tears. I smiled as big as I possibly could and then our lips met. It was like the very first time all over again. There was no way that this was fake. I was still his and he was still mine. In mid lip-lock, someone behind us cleared their throat and we immediately stopped. We both giggled, but I knew that there was business to be done.

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