Life of a Mechanic with his Androids & Slime Part 1

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Karmen: Hello, everyone! Today's chapter will be featuring 1L3550N by KoltinKScott and the Wisp by ElvenWizardMisc. I hope you all enjoy.

"No, Chris. The power cell is on the left side of the CPU," John said to his new apprentice Chris.

"It's the glowing one right?" Chris asked.

"Wait," Mark intervened. "Is the power cell the one that's glowing blue or green?"

"Jesus Christ..." John sighed to myself. "Just take them both out." He left the two, hopefully his two apprentices know what they're doing.

John left the back room and entered the store. He looked around, seeing Aly, Eva and Iroha doing work while Man Slime is in baby form on the counter. Iroha noticed John behind her. She turned around and bowed.

"Greetings, father," she greeted sophisticatedly. John sighs at her and scratches the back of his head.

"Iroha, we talked about this," he looks at her. "You don't need to bow."

"My apologies," Iroha stopped bowing.

"And you don't need to apologize like that."

"I... ok, dad," Iroha smiled at him, making John feel warm inside. He shrugged it off until Eva grabbed him into a hug.

"Hey, daddy!" Eva shouted joyfully. Eva's sudden hug surprised John as Aly looked at the two in annoyance.

"Quit bothering dad," Aly growled at Eva. Eva pouted at Aly.

"You're just jealous that I'm more opening to daddy than you are," Eva giggled. Aly glared angrily as her right hand turned into a spiked fist.

"You want me to turn you into a tin can?" Aly threatened. They heard the door open. Aly flushed deep red, seeing the brunette teenage boy enter the hardware store. Iroha noticed him as well.

"Welcome back, 1," Iroha smiled at him. 1L3550n smiled back at her then turned to look at Aly and smirked playfully at her. Aly turned away from his gaze.

"Been awhile. Right, Iron Thighs?" He asks teasingly. Aly blushed even more.

"I told you to not call me that anymore," Aly glared at him, trying to be intimidating but ended up looking cute to him.

"You're adorable when you're mad," he chuckled. Aly starts talking back at him, trying to keep up her tough act. John and Iroha watched the young couple.

"Are you really all right with Aly dating?" Iroha asked him.

"1's the only man I trust with Aly and I think it's good that she's interacting with people more often," John answered. "But it does not mean I don't worry for her." John drinks a cup of coffee

"Is it sexual intercourse you're worried about?"

John almost gagged on his coffee until he immediately swallowed it. He looks at his eldest daughter. "W-What kind of question is that?"

"You did give us artificial organs and biological structures of human women," Iroha explained. "And if 1 ever feels the desire to feel the pleasure of-"

"Don't finish that sentence," John hushed Iroha. "I'm gonna go out, watch over the place for me while I'm gone."

Iroha nodded. "I will father."

"I mean Slime," John corrected.

The small slime on the counter in front of Iroha made a little arm and saluted to John before he left.

In the back room, Chris and Mark are still working on a project John tasked them to work on.

"So, you're interested in Iroha?" Mark asked. Chris immediately blushed.

"Wha-what makes you think that?" Chris asked.

"You look at her like you admire," Mark answered. Chris blushed more.

"I-It's not like that," Chris protested.

"Oh, yeah?" Mark crossed his arms. "You wanna bring out the Wisp guy as see what he thinks?"

Chris shook his head as Mark laughs softly.

"You talking about Chris' crush on Iroha without me?" 1L3550n asked, appearing in the room.

"Oh god, guys please!" Chris begged.

Later, the three androids were manning the store. Iroha looks at Aly.

"So, you and 1 are-"

"I'm not talking about this," Aly immediately denied.

"Someone's embarrassed about their love life," Eva giggled.

"I'm not embarrassed," Aly growled then starts having a small blush on her face. "I-I just don't like talking about him with you two."

"How come?" Iroha tilted her head.

"It's just that Eva is too... what's the word?"

"Annoying?" Iroha asked. Eva just plus at the two.

"Wait, why are we talking about my love life?" Aly asked. "What about you and Chris?" She looks at Iroha. Iroha raised a brow.

"What do you mean?"

"Come on!" Eva face palms. "He's totally into you!"

"I don't think he does," Iroha said.

Aly sighs at her older sister. "Damn. Your as clueless as Eva is stupid."

"Hey!" Eva growled at Aly. She then sighs and looks at Iroha. "I think you should give him a chance."

"I don't know..." Iroha looked unsure. "I'm not really the dating type."

"Neither is Aly," Eva said. "And her relationship lasted longer than I thought."

Slime slid his body on the table counter towards the three girls. He waves his tiny arms at them trying to get their attention.

The three girls finally noticed him as the blue slime points at the mess in the shop. The three girls sighed and began working again.

Daily Life of Androids, ladies and gentlemen.

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