Recruitment Part 1

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The Juvenile Pack HQ

Bang was looking at a large computer screen in the meeting room. Dark Hood entered the room and walked towards Bang.

Dark Hood: Anything going on?

Bang: Well, I plan on having recruits for the team.

Dark Hood: We have eno-

Bang: Not for the Juvenile Pack. I'm starting a new team for gifted youngsters.

Dark Hood: What are you-

Bang: I'm calling it, "the Delinquents."

Dark Hood sighs as Luc, Death Witch and Caravince went into the large room.

Luc: What's happening?

Bang: It's recruitment month!

Caravince, Death Witch and Luc: Awwwww!

Bang: Quit whining!

Dark Hood sighs and looks at the four pictures with names under them on the screen.

Dark Hood: These are children.

Bang: Teenagers actually.

Caravince: Why are we always recruiting kids?

Bang: Because we wouldn't be the Juvenile Pack if we had a bunch of grown adults. *chuckles*

Dark Hood: *Sighs* just get on with it.

Bang nodded and looked at the screen, selecting a picture, showing all information they had on the person.

Bang: Dark Hood, you'll be looking for a young hero of Bellingham named Sugar Rush. But...

Dark Hood: but what?

Bang: She's hard to find.

Dark Hood: Never had that problem.

Bang: Well that's why you'll be looking for a boy named Barry Pilgrim.

The screen changes to a profile of Barry Pilgrim. A brunette haired boy who seems to be around 15 years old.

Bang: He will be the key to finding Sugar Rush.

Dark Hood: Fine...

Bang: Luc, you'll be looking for a Chris Wills. You'll find him Olympia City.

The screen shows a picture of a brunette boy who looks to be 18.

Luc: *gives a thumbs up* got it!

Bang: Caravince, you'll be looking for Ash Lionheart.

The screen shows a red haired girl with horns.

Caravince: She a demon?

Bang: Probably. *chuckles* Death Witch!

Death Witch: E-Eh?

Bang: You'll be looking for a boy named Bryson.

The screen shows a boy with. Black hair and covered in bandages.

Bang: He was last seen in Seattle.

Death Witch: D-Do I have to-

Bang: Now get a move on!

Death Witch: But-

Bang: NOW!

Location: Washington, Bellingham.

Dark Hood sighed to himself as he looks over the town on top of a water tower. He looks down at a high school and saw students come out after the bell rang. He used binoculars to look for Barry and eventually found him. From his surprise, he saw Bryson with him.

Dark Hood: I should tell Lily about this.

Dark Hood put a finger on the ear piece he was wearing.

Dark Hood: Death Witch. The target's with Barry.

Death Witch: Can you not call them 'targets?' We're not killing them or anything.

Dark Hood: Just get over here.

Dark Hood ends the call and watches Barry and Bryson.

Later, Bryson left Barry alone to an alley. Dark Hood took the chance to follow the kid. He kept following him until he made it to a house. He looked inside from afar and saw no one, except Barry.

Dark Hood: Probably lives alone.

He gets out of hiding and walked towards the home.

Dark Hood: Maybe I should use the front door...

Dark Hood was about to put his hand on the doorknob, but instead kicks down the door. After kicking down the door, he saw Barry jump and froze at the sight of the vigilante.

Dark Hood: Barry Pilgri-

He was later interrupted by the young boy's shrieking.


Karmen: Sorry if it was short!

Dark Hood: The kid was loud...

Bang: Maybe I should've assigned you with someone else... *chuckles nervously*

Karmen: The featured OC's that aren't mine and Grim's belong to --IvysPuddin

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