Chapter 10

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The sun rises and brings the morning down onto the students of Beacon Academy. We zoom in into the window of Team ARRK, all sleeping peacefully in the sweet and loving embrace of their blankets.

The Alarm soon goes off, waking Akira and Kylle in the process but the rest continues to sleep.

"Ugh......." Akira groans sitting up before looking on the rest of the Team, He sees Kylle already barricading himself in the bathroom. He sighs as he wakes up Rune.

"Wake up." Rune groans before staring blankly at Akira. He nods before going to the bathroom and trying to open it, discovering it was barricaded. "Tsk." Rune groans out before trying to wake up his brother.

"Bro, Wake up." Rune shakes Rain's shoulder, Rain blinks his eyes before sitting up. He stares tiredly at Rune for a good 2 minutes before flopping back down onto the bed.

"DUUUUUUUUUUUUDE!" Rune tries to wake him up again but receives a back-hand slap to the face knocking him down to the ground.

He stares at the sleeping form of Rain before turning back and choosing to forget his brother's existence temporarily.

Kylle walks out of the bathroom looking FABULOUS! before picking up his phone and headset and walking out of the room.

Akira raises an eyebrow but shrugs it off and goes to the bathroom.

Rain instantly shoots up from his bed, while flinching and wincing at the same time. "Dreamt of falling?" Rune asks laying on the floor, contemplating his existence once more.

"Yeah, Cunt." Rain smacks his hand onto the bedside table trying to find his phone, completely forgetting he's on top of the bunk-beds.

Rain looks over to his side, finding nothing but air. "Fuck." Rain almost fells down but was able to grab onto one of the legs of the table. "My life flashed right through my eyes." Rune raises an eyebrow. "What did you see?" Rain turns back to him with lifeless eyes.

"Wasting my Life hoping for a 5 star in FGO." Rune slowly steps back before rushing in the bathroom.

Akira raises an eyebrow, sidestepping to dodge a sprinting Rune. He turns to Rain, with his weird position of being and not being on the bed before shrugging and making his way to the cafeteria.

"You want anything?" Rain contemplates for a minute before giving him a look. "Pumpkin Pete, Still haven't found where you hid that cunt." Akira nods before thinking of a plan to cut Rain from his Pumpkin Pete supply.

"I want cereal!" Rune shouts out from the bathroom. Akira nods before passing by Kylle from the hallway.

"Did you agree or not?!" Rune shouts out from the bathroom but doesn't receive an answer. "Helloooo?" Silence responds him.

"Bro?" Rain was too busy contemplating his life to comprehend noises at the moment. "Flip." Rune rushes to get out of the bathroom to catch up with everyone.

He steps out of the bathroom, fully dressed before looking at his brother hanging upside down from the ceiling.

"What the heck." Rain stares down at him before pulling out his phone, "Roll for me, you gay little shit. May god save your merciful soul." Rune slowly backs out and tries to get out of the door.

He stops quickly when Rain starts hissing at him from the ceiling. "Calm down bro, Calm down." Rain launches at him but hits the door when Rune immediately dashes out.

"That cunt." Rain rubs his head before looking down onto his phone. "I don't have an addiction, Who ever says so gets stabbed with Knifu-chan." Rain makes his way to the bathroom.

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