38. How I Met Your Great-Grandmother

Start from the beginning

"Gloria-" before she could finish the question, Katherine stabbed the old woman through the neck with a stake. "No!" Riley screamed, as her great-grandmother immediately stopped moving and her body fell.

Riley sank to the ground with her, while Katherine untied Stefan from the table. Once untied, he walked over to Riley, sympathy written on his face.

"I'm sorry."

"What for?" Riley whimpered. "For biting me the first time? Biting me the second time? Leaving Mystic Falls with the guy who tried to kill your girlfriend? Or for your crazy ex-girlfriend murdering my great-grandmother?"

Stefan sighed. "All of it."

"Well, you can make it up to me by coming home."

Stefan immediately shook his head. "I can't do that."

Riley frowned. "Because you knew Klaus? Back in the '20s?" Stefan glanced at her in confusion. "The picture, remember? He was in it too."

Katherine looked at Stefan with a sense of admiration. "You have a diabolical plan." When he didn't answer, she smiled. "What is it?"

"You know what's funny? You keep talking to me like I actually trust you enough to tell you anything," Stefan said.

"Oh come on Stefan, we're beyond that," Katherine rolled her eyes. "I just saved you from Hilda the high voodoo priestess."

"You brought me to Chicago so that I could watch you slaughter my great-grandmother in cold blood, I wouldn't be talking right now if I were you," Riley reminded her, taking another look at the old woman's body. It was strange to mourn someone who had never actually been in your life.

"I killed her because she was torturing Stefan. Like I said before, I only brought you here as a distraction. Let it go."

Stefan sighed, talking over them. "When I knew Klaus in the 20s, I also knew his sister. They were running from someone – someone who scared them."

"They're Original vampires," Riley remembered. "Who could scare them?"

There was a moment of silence as Stefan waited for them to figure it out.

"A hunter," Katherine said eventually, realization dawning in her face. "I heard stories about him centuries ago."

"Don't you want to know why an Original vampire who can't be killed is afraid of a vampire hunter?"

Katherine took a breath. "If you're planning a move against Klaus... I want in."

"That's good. It's good to want things Katherine," Stefan rebutted sarcastically, making Riley laugh. Katherine gave her an angry look before turning back to Stefan, about to plead her case. "If you're looking for a diabolical partner in crime, I suggest you look elsewhere," he said dismissively before she could continue. "And please take Riley home before Klaus sees her. It's not like they haven't met before."

"Wait," Riley said, thinking about what Gloria had said when they first entered. "If Klaus can't make hybrids, what if he decides to go back to Mystic Falls anyway? I mean, that is where he did the ritual."

"Right now he's more concerned about the necklace," he informed her. When Stefan had first come to town, he'd given Elena a necklace filled with vervain. "It used to belong to Klaus's sister, who took it from the 'Original witch'."

"So they're looking for Elena's necklace," Riley asked. "Which is in Mystic Falls? Around the neck of the girl that Klaus thinks he killed?" When Stefan looked sheepish, she groaned. "Do you know how badly this is gonna end?"

"Not if we can find the hunter," Katherine smiled. Both pairs of eyes turned to look at her. "Come on Riley, we need to go back to Mystic Falls."


"It's because I brought him back to life," Bonnie said, handing over the necklace. She thought she was speaking to Elena, when in actual fact Katherine had done what she did best, taken her doppelganger's place. "The witches said there would be consequences, guess they were right."

Bonnie turned away for a second. When she turned back, Elena was gone. Riley walked up to the table and sat down in her place.

"I thought you might want some company."

Bonnie looked around. "Did you see Elena just now?"

"No," Riley shook her head. "Why?"

"Because either I'm going crazy, or Katherine Pierce is back and I just gave her Elena's necklace."

Riley faked a frown. "I don't know. Either way, at least the necklace isn't your problem anymore."

Bonnie nodded. "Hey, where were you, anyway? You've been AWOL for the last two days."

"I was in Chicago."

Bonnie's eyes widened. "Why? What's in Chicago?"

"Two creepy siblings, a dead great-grandmother and a vampire with a diabolical master plan," she said. Bonnie looked at her in complete shock. "It's been a crazy 48 hours."


So Riley finally met Gloria, and Katherine has Elena's necklace. But is that enough to keep Klaus out of Mystic Falls?

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