"What?" Megan said as she looked at her friend with fear, "Are you sure you want to do that? Is it safe? Are you even ready? What happens if your advice was wrong and it explodes as soon as you take off?"

Maddison stared at Megan with wide eyes. She didn't think about that before. What happens if there's a malfunction while she's on it. Does she know what to do? What happens if Megan is right? What if it explodes? 

"Stop scaring her, Megan." Sara rolled her eyes and faced Maddison, trying her best to give her friend reassurance, "You're going to do great. No matter what."

"Thank you, Sara." Maddison smiled warmly, pushing away the negative thoughts, "You too, Megan."


"She's a remarkably smart girl. Why didn't I come up with this?"

"Maybe because you were too busy with some other things." Matt chuckled, nudging his little sister.

"If by other things you meant working on making Allura's celebration perfect, then yes. I was too busy to notice my mistakes." Pidge rolled her eyes and looked over at Matt, "The Atlas will arrive tomorrow to pick up necessary supplies and me so we can head to Altea and commemorate her. I can't wait to see them again!"

"You really miss your friends, don't you?"

"Of course I do. I miss the adventures and the memories." Pidge sighed and shrugged, "But, most of all, I miss spending time with them. We only see each other every now and then and we're all busy securing peace in the universe."

"I understand." Matt nodded and set a hand on his sister's shoulder, smiling slightly. "So, are these new planes going to replace the MFE's ships."

"I sure hope so. Out with the old, in with the new."

Matt nodded, "Who's flying it?"

"According to General Normandy, the girl who provides us with the piece of information to make this ships functional. I believe her name is..." Pidge looked at her screen on top of her desk and nodded, "Maddison."

"Is she equipped to fly a plane?"

Pidge nodded, scrolling down on her screen, "Yea. There are some of the best scores I've ever seen."

"Better than Keith?" 

"Well... um... no, but better than mine. That's saying something." Pidge chuckled and looked over at her brother who rolled his eyes.


"Well, good luck Maddison on your little flight tomorrow." Sara giggled, patting her friend's back in glee, "You have to tell me all about it as soon as you finish it. You know what, I'll sneak out of training to watch you fly!"

"You don't have to do that. Really."

"You need to have some sort of support and I want to be that support for you, Maddison."

Maddison was grateful to have Sara. They have known each other for quite some time and had a deep bond between them. They knew every little detail about each other. Details that nobody, not even Megan, knew about. They had met Megan not long ago and they were trying to incorporate her into their bond, but it was difficult to do so due to Megan maintaining a wall. 

"Thanks, Sara. I'd rather you not skip training, but I guess I do need that support. I'm sort of nervous. I'm even trembling just by the thought of flying tomorrow."

"Look, Honey. You'll do great. I promise. Now get some goodnight sleep so you can show off to the world what a great flyer you are!"

Maddison laughed and nodded stepping into her room before closing the door behind her.

"Tomorrow is going to be a great day. I just know it."


Hello. I'm MaxLesley and I love to get to know my readers in some way and mess with their brain through riddles at times, so I post a Question Of The Day (QOTD) or a Riddle Of The Day (ROTD) on each of my chapters. Sometimes they'll be simple questions ("What's your favorite color?") other times they'll be questions ending with "why?" or "explain." Just for fun. Don't have to answer them if you don't want to. ROTD is pretty explanatory.

Today, we'll have a simple question and I'll answer the questions too btw so you guys can get to know me too. 

QOTD: Who's your favorite character in Voltron?

My favorite character would have to be Lance. He goes from a goofball to a mature and serious person in under a minute and I love that. I also love how he's always there for his friends, no matter the situation. I wish I had one of those lol. I wish I had Lance...... Anywho! Lance is my favorite character.

Also, I'll try to post at least two times per week. Most likely on Saturday and Sunday.

Thank you for reading!

Don't forget to answer the question.

Love Ya'll!!!

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