Chapter One

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"Yes, sir."

"You're needed in Normandy's office right away."

"Yes, sir." The girl quickly made her to way to the general's office, contemplating why the general would need her. She couldn't recall any mistakes she had made or even think about a person who would complain about her to the general. Each step she took to the general's office caused her legs to tremble more and more.

As soon as she got to the office, she didn't even knock when all of a sudden the doors opened. She made her way in and stood across from the general's desk, "I was told you needed me, sir. Did I do something wrong?"

"No. It's the complete opposite actually." The general smiled slightly at her, "You're opinion on moving the ______ of the plane to the ______ finally helped the new plane to be functional. I have to ask, how did you know that was going to work?"

Maddison looked surprised as her lips pursued into a smile, "Oh... I... Lucky guess...?"

"No it was not. I was examining your scores in engineering and they're pretty above average."

"Oh... I-I didn't know."

The general rose an eyebrow and shrugged slightly, "Thanks to your help, we have now created an even more advanced plane than the ones the MFE pilots fly."

"I'm glad to hear that."

"We want you to fly it."

Maddison looked at the General in disbelief, "Oh... Sir... I... I don't know what to say."

"I've also examined your scores and reports on the simulator and since you were a kid, you were destined to fly."

"The simulator is like a video game though." She chuckled nervously, "I don't know if I'm prepared to fly a plane."

"You are ready. I know you are."

Maddison slightly nodded to the General. She didn't know whether she was happy or excited about flying. Yes, she had flown a plane before, but she would prefer to stay on the ground where it was safer and less life-threatening. "It will be an honor to fly it, sir." She said. Part of her was furious but the other part of her was glad she took the offer.

"Great. I'll see you tomorrow at 0900 hour."

"Yes, sir!"

Maddison walked out of the General's office as soon as she could. She sighed under her breath. Was she excited? Yes. Was she nervous? Of course. Did she want to go back in the office and refuse the offer? Yes. Will she do it? No. This was her one opportunity to have a small adventure. She wasn't a fan of them, but she could at least have one every now and then.

She made her way to the cafeteria where she found her pair of friends. Sara, the girl with beautiful blonde hair that complemented her bright blue neon eyes. She was always looking for adventure and her dream was to be apart of the Atlas team, even if it meant to be a cook. Then there was Megan. Megan had dark black hair that brought out her blood like eyes. She was the opposite of Sara. She preferred to be on Earth, at the Garrison, and training for danger, that's it. 

"Maddison! How'd it go?" Sara asked, smiling widely, "Why'd they call you in?"

"Oh... Turns out... I helped on making the most advanced plane functional. Crazy, right?" Maddison chuckled, "I'm honestly surprised they even listened to me to begin with."

"Wow!" Both girls said in unison.

"And... I'm flying it tomorrow morning."

"Awesome!" Sara giggled.

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