Only For My Sister

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guys, before i get started i would like to say that i eneterd this story for the scholastic writers award which is a story writing competition for malaysian and singaporean students! i hope u guys like it because the results will be coming out in October so...wish me luck. 

End your story with: And he never spoke again after that night.

Only For My Sister

  Bob Taylor was sitting in the cramped hall on the most uncomfortable seat ever wearing a bright smile on his face. He just loved watching Bella perform on stage. Bella was Bob’s little sister. He loved her more than everything in the world combined. Also, Bella was the only person Bob felt comfortable with. Bob was always quiet; he only ever talked when necessary. However, he wasn’t always that kind of guy. His blue eyes used to sparkle with joy and excitement and a smile would always be on his face no matter rain or shine. He basically brought happiness and joy wherever he went; he was admired and adored by everyone.

  But that was the past; till this very day, even a blind man could see the sadness in his eyes and feel the pain and regret of his as if sorrow and unhappiness oozed out from his very skin. Bob had a dark and difficult past that had scarred him for life. It all happened on his thirteenth birthday. He and two year old Bella were waiting in the backyard for their parents’ return from an urgent meeting at the office. Just before Mr. and Mrs. Taylor ran out the door with their documents piled high in hand, they had promised Bob that they would be home in time to take him out for an extravagant dinner at his favorite western restaurant to make up for missing his birthday. Just thinking about the delectable, scrumptious food got little Bob jumping up and down. Back then, food was the definition of love for Bob. However, the last promise Bob’s parents made him wasn’t one they were able to keep.

  The old grandfather clock in the living room had struck twelve when Bob received a phone call from the hospital telling him that his parents had died in a serious car crash. The news hit him like a heart attack, he never thought he’d lose his parents,he never wanted to live in a world without them. Bob literally just stood there, not knowing what to do as teardrops as big as gumballs fell from the corner of his eyes, soaking his entire face. As he silently stood there, Bella popped into his mind. He always wanted the best for her, and now he was the only one who could make that happen .That night had changed him, that incident will forever be etched in his mind. He vowed right there to always be there for Bella no matter what. Although he knew she’d never get the chance to meet her biological parents and know what wonderful people they were, he wanted her to grow up healthy and happy. Since that tragic night, Bella was Bob’s life, his reason for living.

  Bob and Bella lived in an orphanage after the devastating accident, caring for each other. Bob sacrificed his education for Bella. He worked at the fast food restaurant just behind the orphanage. The money he made wasn’t a lot but it was enough. He worried more about his sister’s future than he did for his. He always went big for Bella, trying to make her as happy as possible by fulfilling her every wish and being with her every day.

  Bella seemed to have developed the passion for acting as she got older; she had the talent and potential. As Bob wanted the best for her at all times, he even took a second job to pay for Bella to go to drama classes. Although he came back late at night looking half dead, Bella was number one on his list. She eventually grew up and felt bad for Bob as it literally pained her heart to see her brother work that hard just so she could have her dream come true. However, Bella didn’t know how much happiness it brought Bob to see her run out of the classroom into his arms and hear her rant about her drama class.

  As soon as the performance was over, Bob was the first to stand and applaud. The crowd went wild, cheering and punching the air like there was no tomorrow. Especially when Bella walked to the front to take her final bow, the crowd seemed to have gone wild, even roses were thrown on stage. After that, the curtains went down, and Bob rushed over to pull his baby sister into a tight bear hug. They stayed that way for a while, feeling safe and sound in each others’ arms. Bob leaned down and put his lips to her ear and said: “You did so well. I love you!”. Bella’s face turned bright red as she tiptoed to whisper back in his ear:  Not as much as I love you.” Bob merely shook his head and led her to the exit.

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