... With Luna (Part 2)

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"What do you mean Luna doesn't want anything to do with you? You didn't do anything." She could understand she was angry, but completely ignoring him?

"Yeah I did something— I trusted you!" Simón shot at her, the words and the pain in them digging into her chest like a knife. "You promised you would talk to her and you didn't, Ámbar!"

"I was going to!" She exclaimed frantically. The bitter disbelief on Simón's face was obvious. "Truly!" She insisted. "I admit I was putting it off because I had a thousand things on my mind, but I was going to talk to her after the Open. But then I had other things on my mind," she gestured between them, "and that was more important— Are you really going to blame me for forgetting with everything that happened?!"

Simón averted his gaze again. Ámbar could literally see the guilt devour him alive and she felt like slapping herself. She hadn't meant to make him feel worse. Damn it, this wasn't even his fault to begin with!

Simón sat back down on the chair, dejected, looking down at his hands. "I should've told her the truth," he said quietly. "I found out and I stayed quiet about it and now I fear Luna will never trust me again."

"She will trust you."


"Because it wouldn't be fair otherwise!" Ámbar protested. Outrage flared in her gut because she hated seeing him like this, berating himself, when all he'd done was try to do the best for everyone. "Yes, you didn't tell her but, it has been what? Two days? It's not like you've known for months," she defended. "It was just a small secret, she can't be that mad at you for that. I mean, how many other things have you done for her? A thousand. Hell, you came from Mexico just for her! What has she done for you?"

Simón shook his head, looking up at her. "One doesn't do things expecting something in return, Ámbar."

"No, but she could at least appreciate all you've done for her," she retorted.

He just looked down once more, not saying anything. Clearly, he didn't see things her way. He wasn't going to turn this on Luna, he was too good to do that, and felt too guilty. Deep down, she understood. Luna was his best friend and he felt he had let her down by being dishonest, something he hated to do, but he had done it, for her.

After some long seconds, she broke the silence. "I'm sorry," she said. "I'm really sorry this happened; I hate seeing you like this." Simón kept his gaze down. She wanted to touch him to offer some comfort but she didn't dare. "I could try to talk to her," she offered. It was the least she could do.

Simón snorted bitterly. "A little late for that, don't you think?"

Resentment burned in his words and fear jumped at Ámbar's throat again. "Simón..."

She took a step forward but he stood and grabbed his guitar before she could reach him. He turned.

"I..." Simón trailed off as he looked at her, seeming unsure. He shook his head a bit. "I'm sorry, I... I wanna be alone right now."

He kept his head down as he left the room, not looking at her again.

Ámbar watched, frozen, as the door shut close, putting what felt like a world of distance between them. The room felt cold and unsettlingly quiet. She sat down, on the same chair her... boyfriend? had been sitting just one minute ago.

Could she still call him that?

Ámbar stared at her reflection in the mirror in front of her. Was she just not destined to be happy? She couldn't help but wonder. Every time things seemed to be going fine for her, something happened that made it all go down the drain. She was getting used to seeing this look of defeat on her face.

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