Chapter 3

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*art above by me*
Classic's POV
"Hey buddy! Hurry up let's go to school!" He shouted for me to hurry up. He's unusually excited today. "Ok, ok. Take a chill pill bud. We have a whole day of free time today but it doesn't mean that we can't hung out tomorrow. Besides even if we can't hang out at school, we can still go to each others house." I said clearly not in the mood to be all cheery. He mumbled something but I didn't hear it clearly. "What was that?" I asked to make sure I know what he just said. "Nothing, I'll tell you later." He said and took my hand to run to our school. I didn't want to argue early in the morning so I just let him take lead. The whole day happened so fast, we had a great time but he keeps spacing out. Finally, at the end of the day, he dragged me to the back of the school where the play ground is. "Hey bud? What did you want to tell me?" He sighed and looked at me. "Buddy, you're my very best friend in the whole world, alright? I know this is sudden but my parents are planning to move out of city because of my dad's job." He looked at me sadly and I stood there, totally shocked. "Y-you mean you're leaving?" He nodded slowly and looked away. "But... how about m-me? You can't just leave me. You're the only one I have." I said, I let my tears stream down my cheek bones. "I--I'm sorry... buddy..." he's tears was forming but he didn't let them fall. "Just remember that I'll always be you bud and you'll always be my buddy. A-and we'll always be the hoodie buddies... hehe..." I hugged him and he hugged back. My best friend is going to leave me and I'll be all alone again. "I'll always remember you, buddy. Don't forget me." He said while we were hugging. "I won't." I choked back a sob then pulled back. We got back to our homes and saying our last goodbyes.... that's the last time I saw him

I woke up from my dream... I dremt of him again. Ever since that day, I had dreams of the day that he left. I never forgot about him, especially his eyes. I dismissed the thought and did my daily morning routine lazily. Yesterday after lunch was just plane boring. All we did was listen to lessons and Yansy wasn't able to show me to the library because her "senpai" called her again. I hope that now she'll be able to show me around because I'm still not used to our enormous school but I already know our classrooms so no problem with that. Now this morning, I am extra lazy so I just teleported to the school, but still making sure that no one saw me. I walked to our first class this morning which is math. "Mornin'." I greeted Yansy. "Good morning Sans. I was wondering if you could show me your eyes today. You haven't taken off that hoodie of yours." She said which surprised me because I thought that she didn't care. "Maybe next time." I said and looked away. I caught the other skeleton at the back staring at me and when he noticed that I was looking at him, he smile and waved. I squinted my eyes a little so I can se his face. He has black tear marks on his cheeks which is kinda weird and he has no eye lights. I sheepishly waved back then turned back to face Yansy who stared at me with a blank face. "I'm amused." She said. "Well you don't look like it." I said a laughed. "Usually Killer only smiled to his friends." She continued which made me stop. "Killer? You mean the guy at the back?" I ask to make sure. She nodded in response. I just shrugged. The teacher entered the classroom and started the lesson.

Lunch time, me and Yansy was going to the cafeteria to eat, she said that the student council president had a family meeting so she don't have to do anything today. Yansy ordered a meal for us both and she said that I should eat other meals than just ketchup. I mean I would just cook for myself but I'm just to lazy. "Do you have time to give me a tour later?" She looked at me with her usual cold gaze. "Sure, maybe after we eat." She said as she bite her sandwich. I nodded and ate my fries that's covered in ketchup. Yansy quickly finished her sandwich and turned to the ice cream she bought for her self. I could see her eyes shining, you won't see that everyday. After we ate, Yansy showed me the library and as I was scanning through the shelves, a book caught my eye and I walked back to our table where Yansy was. "Are you sure you want to read first? We'll probably won't have enough time to go around the school if you do that." She said with a serious face. "Nah we can go later. I just wanna read these books for now." I said as I flipped the first page of the book. "Well, I'll leave you on your own since you already know the way to our classrooms. Be sure to be at the class before the it bells." She said and ran off the library. I continues to read the book as if nothing matters...... I lost track of time and now I'm running down the hallway to our next class I hope the teacher isn't there yet or else I'm screwed. I was about to turn to a corner when someone called my name so suddenly. I nearly crashed on a wall as I tried to stop my self from running straight forward and hit the wall. I huffed and tried to catch my breath. I looked back to the person who called me and was shocked to see him approaching.

I Just Want Peace (bad sanses x classic sans)Where stories live. Discover now