6. Of Doppelgangers & Impostors

Start from the beginning

"That cat!" complained Loup, stomping her foot "I told him not to do anything!"

"If he is so innocent, then why is he running away?" questioned the guard.

"Well, if you were wrongly imprisoned wouldn't you run?" shot back Ladybug. Loup was about to say something else, but Ladybug's yoyo rung and a green phone appeared on the screen, which meant that someone was calling. In this case, Chat Noir. The friends exchanged glances before going to a secluded place so the guard wouldn't hear them.

"Kitty, when I tell you 'don't do anything stupid', that's exactly what I mean!" scolded the wolf girl as they rushed up the stairs "And then you go and knock ten guards on your own?! We want to fix this, not make it worse!"

"This is really serious" added Ladybug "Don't play around!"

"I'm gonna find the real culprit and save my tail! I—" the call was cut off when a helicopter appeared behind Chat Noir, forcing him to run away. Ladybug and Loup d'Argent didn't hesitate on rushing outside. He was running through the balconies as two helicopters followed him.

"Aren't you gonna go after him?" asked the guard, looking at the girls.

"We're gonna leave it to the experts" replied Ladybug, so the guard wouldn't be on them all day, before wrapping her yoyo around a light post and flying off.

"See ya!" greeted the other girl, before propelling herself up a roof with her bow.

After some minutes, Chat Noir called Loup.

"Where are you now?" asked the wolf immediately, as Ladybug leaned over her shoulder to see him, too.

"I found his den!" was Chat Noir's reply.

"Who?" questioned Ladybug, sort of confused. She really didn't know what he was talking about.

"The copycat?" guessed the other girl, and Chat Noir nodded.

"I'm not getting either one of you" said Ladybug.

"If you had been there this morning, you'd know what we're talking about" replied the cat, and Loup opened her eyes wide.

"Wait, Theo? He is the copycat?" that wasn't possible, was it? He looked so nice earlier that day! She had a hard time imagining him as an akumatized person.

"Exactly, and I'm gonna stop him"

"How do you know?"

"Who's Theo?" Ladybug chimed in, not understanding anything they were saying.

"The lollipop stick he had this morning was there in the Louvre. It was the exact same one" explained the cat, ignoring Ladybug's question, and the wolf nodded.

"Can't you tell us where you are?" Ladybug spoke up once again, and she received an answer this time.

"No" he replied firmly "This is between me and him. I got myself into this mess, and now I'm gonna get myself out"

"We are a team!" argued Loup "We—" but she couldn't finish her sentence, because Chat Noir ended the call "Ugh, he's so stubborn sometimes!" she complained, before looking at Ladybug "We have to help him out"

"I agree" she replied  "But, first, we got to know where he is" she took out her yoyo, which showed a map, and a paw, showing them where Chat Noir was.

"Hey, I want to have a multi use tool, too!" complained Loup. The only thing she could do with her bow was to call her partners.

"You can turn into a silver wolf, don't complain" shot back Ladybug, as they went in the direction of their partner's position.

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