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"PYRRHA!!" Ruby yelled, a blinding white light envelops the area.

The dragon screeches but it soon fades.

"What!?" Cinder yelled, the white light envelops her as well, from below the Taken looks up, holding Its side.

It lets out a sigh, "Time to get the girl," It looked back at Mystogen's body, "I sense that Light but it's faint, not enough for a ghost to revive him," The Take extends its wings flying up to the broken tower and taking Cinder to safety.

Ghost who is still with the others looks back at the tower thinking on whether or not to go but remembers Mystogen order, he turns towards Yang who was still unconscious, "I promise I'll come back for you, guardian,"

At the tower Qrow carrying his niece, "It's all right, I gotcha kiddo. I gotcha,"

Ghost, Qrow, and Yang and Ruby's father Taiyang were in the living room of his home, he lets out a sigh after trying to call on his scroll, "Nothing,"

"Just turn it off," Qrow said and flops onto the couch.

"With the CCT out there's no way you're going to make contact with anyone," Ghost said.

"Communication down across the entire kingdom, no way to contact the outside world, and Ozpin is still missing," Tai said, he looked up at Ghost, "So is your guardian,"

Qrow lets out a sigh, "Yeah,"

"This is bad, Qrow," Tai said.

"Yeah, this is bad," Qrow said.

Ruby was sleeping in her bed but her eyes open and sits up, Ghost looked at her and bumps Tai's shoulder who was asleep on a chair, he wakes up and looks at his daughter, "Ruby!" He runs to the side of the bed, Ghost leaves the room, "You're awake!"

"What happened?" Ruby asked.

Tai lets out a sigh, "You uncle Qrow found you, unconscious. He got you outta there though; he brought you home safe,"

"Wait! Yang! Is she alright?" Ruby asked worried about her half-sister.

"Uh. She's uh... she's gonna be alright. I think she's just... I think it's gonna take some time for her to get used to things. She's too strong to let this stop her," Tai explained, he sniffled, "I'm just glad to have my girls back at home,"

"What happened to the school! And Vale! Were they able to clear out the Grimm?" Ruby asked.

"Things at Vale are under control, but the school. It's... it's not that simple, that thing, whatever it is... doesn't seem to be dead, don't get me wrong you did a number on it. But it's not disappearing. It's... kind of... frozen. I know that doesn't sound too bad but it keeps attracting more Grimm to the school," Tai explained.

"I did what?" Ruby asked confused, which Tai hummed, "You said I did a number on it, what do you mean?"

"I... look, that's not important right now, we can talk about it later, things are just kind of a mess," Tai said.

"It's always a mess," Qrow said taking a swig of his flask until it was empty, "Mind if we have a minute?"

"What I can't stay here?" Tai said slightly irritated.

"Mr.Xiao Long, please," Ghost said floating into the room, Tai gets up and lets out a sigh, he kisses Ruby.

"I'm glad you're alright," He starts to walk out of the room before looking back at Ruby, "I'll go make us some tea," He walks by Qrow and Ghost with irritation.

Qrow pulls up a chair next to Ruby's bed and sits down in it, Ghost floats next to Qrow who speaks first, "So, how you feeling?"

"Um... I kinda of hurt all over," Ruby answered.

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