"Momma!" Janice yelled as we walked in the house.

"Honey, I am right here, what's the issue?" She looked up at us. Her and our dad were sitting on the couch with Chad sleep next to them.

"Derrick is trying to get in her head again. Some nerve he has!" Janice sat down.

"What? You went to go see him?" My dads face turned angry.

"I only went to see him because of this..." I dropped the divorce papers on the coffee table.

"Are you going to tell them what else he offered you? Or do I have to do all the talking?" Janice spoke.

"Janice let me talk to them alone please." I sat down.

"Fine. I have head to work anyway." She flipped her hair before walking out.

"What else did he say to you?" My dad asked.

"He threatened to take Chad from me... He said none of it will happen if me and Chad go home..."

"Home? You call that a home? I'll be damned if you go back to that asshole and put Chad in that predicament. He wants full custody of Chad, then looks like we're just going to have to fight." My mother spoke before storming off.

"I-I'm going for a walk.." I spoke while walking out. I took a deep breath before tears started to pour out.

Half of me wanted to just go back to him but the other half of me just wanted to kill him. I love Chad so much and I don't want him taken out of my arms.

I wiped my tears while walking and zipped up my jacket. It was getting windier.

I pulled out my phone and considered listening to my playlist to help me calm down a bit, but I realized it was dead.

I looked around and noticed the familiar street sign.

A car pulls up next to me and I see the window roll down.

"What you doing walking these streets young lady?" The guy smiled.

I ignored him and kept walking.

"Aye, I know you heard me." I heard his car door shut before I felt myself being pulled.

"Let me go!" I tried to push him off but his grip was way too strong.

"You like to play hard to get huh?" He shoved me up against the hard brick building.

"I'm not a prostitute you weirdo!" I tried to fight back.

"Aye, get off her!" I heard a familiar voice. The guy dropped me and we both looked up at the person - It was Derrick.

I got off the ground and ran up to him.

"We was just playing brotha'." The guy smirked before holding his hands up.

"Yea well you playing with the wrong one." Derrick held up his shirt, revealing his gun.

"Derrick let's just go." I grabbed his arm.

The guy started laughing before walking back to his car.

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