Part 5: Stripped

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It had been a week since the summer camp incident, Izuku was in a coma, the students began to worry for their fellow classmate and friend even Bakugo was regularly checking in on him.

"Wake up you stupid Deku, you're missing a lot you know." Bakugo stated only for silence to fill the room.

Bakugo got up and left, he opened the door to see a skinny man in a suit in the door way. It was small might or Yagi Toshinori.

"Ah, hello young Bakugo" Toshi said.

Bakugo scoffed at the greeting and waved bye to Toshi.

As Small Might entered the room, he saw the mask on Izuku's head. This mask has been forming for the past week and started to break on its own. This made All might worry for Izuku. All might stood there only knowing one thing to do. He touched Izuku's forehead and felt power return to him.

"I'm sorry, young Midoriya, I'm sorry." All might said apologetically to no one.

To All might's surprise, Izuku saw everything happening to him inside his mind scape. He had watched his teacher strip OFA away from him. But to his surprise, he could still perform a different version of Full Cowling. Izuku was furious at All Might, he felt betrayed.

In Izuku's mind

"Why take something that gave me hope?" Izuku yelled into the nothingness with tears streaming his eyes.

Haze tried to approach Izuku but didn't because, this was his somewhat his fault. Haze stood there for a second before retreating into Izuku's mind.

As Haze started to disappear, Izuku yelled "Haze!"

Haze approached Izuku and replied hesitantly with "What do you want King?"

Izuku then said with a smile that supposed Haze "I want to learn how to control this power"

Haze then lit up like a light bulb and said "Alright, we will start when ever you want."

Izuku ran up attempting to punch Haze to start training. Haze had caught the fist and three Izuku a couple metres. (I'm an Aussie fite me).

Outside Izuku's mind

All Might left the room and decided to head home for the night. As All Might approached his door he felt something was off but ignored it to get some sleep.

Izuku's mother was worrying all week and ended up in the hospital from a panic attack.

2 months Time skip bought to Izuku firing a cero from his hand.

Izuku had woken upband got out of his hospital bed feeling greater than ever. As he got his clothes on, the doctor had opened the door to see Izuku fine and about to leave. The doctor decided to let Izuku leave after checking on him for 2 minutes.

As Izuku got home, he saw his mom cooking dinner.

"Hey mom, I'm home" Izuku said with a smile.

As Izuku's mom heard this, she turned around with tears in her eyes, she ran over to him and embraced in a motherly hug for ten minutes. Izuku then had a shower and had dinner with his mom. Izuku then had a shower and went to sleep thinking about what All Might had down.

The next day worried Izuku as he approached U.A. He opened the door to his class to everyone looking at him with happiness as to see him okay.

As everyone was greeting him back, Bakugo approached the giant group and shouted "Deku, what the f*ck was that back at the camp you worthless!piece of trash!"

Izuku stood there frozen not knowing what to say until Haze responded with "Bakugo Katsuki, how dare you call me that, I will blow you face off, if you insult King again!"

Everyone was shocked that Izuku had said this. Then they saw his eyes changing to what they had saw that night with made them scared. Bakugo was frightened that Izuku has yelled at him.

"What was that sh*tnerd, say that again!" Bakugo said angrily with spite in his voice.

Everyone started to warn Bakugo not to piss off Izuku. But it was too late, before Bakugo could really act Izuku had grabbed Bakugo's throat and clenched. The mask began to form over Izuku's face as a very began to form a cero in his other hand aimed at Bakugo head.

I had to okay, this chapter has been 700 words.

I want to thank you for reading chapter.


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