Part 9

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Kaijo high school,
            All of the Seirin team members entered the school and walked to the gym led by Kise who met them halfway. "Kurokocchi, you know what, no girls have turn me down before. But after you did that to me I feel sad."cried Kise. "...."Kuroko just silent. And that make the blond cried more and again going to hug her but instead got a kick from a boy with spiky hair. "Shut up, Kise!!!"said Kasamatsu Yukio. "That's hurt-ssu."whined Kise. "Ah, sorry. I'm Kasamatsu Yukio, Kaijo basketball's captain. Our member here really is troublesome. Sorry if it make you uncomfortable."said Kasamatsu. "Ah, it's nothing."said Hyuuga.

Then, they all went to the gym and started their game. At first, Kise was not playing. But after he broke the goal hook, Kaijo's coach let Kise to play too. Kise also explained to Kasamatsu about Kuroko's ability.

It was a hard game as each team was destroying each other. Kagami smiled during the and also Kise. That makes the azure girl smile as she watch them playing with fun and they are good.

Kagami dunked during the buzzer beater and Seirin won the game. Kagami had a hard game as Kise tried to copy him. Kise cried after losing the game and earned a s!back from Kasamatsu.

Kise went out to wash his face. Suddenly a small towel is thrown to him. He caught it and saw a boy with green hair and eyes, wearing spectacles and Shutoku High School uniform. "So you came huh, Midorimacchi."said Kise. "Your lost was expected as your horoscope for today is bad omen."said Midorima. 'Still the same as always. Midorima Shintarou, a talented shooter who can shoot from afar.'thought Kise. "I cannot accept that Kuroko went to that school. I know her talent is at another school. By the way, I'm going back now."said Midorima and he left after he was done greeting Kise.

Seirin went to eat into a restaurant and Kuroko also run into Kise who was waiting for her outside the shop. Kise told Kuroko that Kagami will leave them one day because his talent keep blooming. Kagami heard that and rushed to her side. Since then, Kise called Kagami 'Kagamicchi' and that make him mad but Kuroko told him that Kise only call people with that nickname when he respected someone.

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