White coats

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   Light flooded my eyes as I was shook awake.
"Wake up Experiment 532!" Somebody yelled in my ear. I shot out of bed, head throbbing. I surveyed the room I was in. It had plain, boring white walls, and large windows on either side. There was a door right in front of me. But otherwise, it just looked like a hospital room.
"Where the hell am I? Who the hell are you?" I shouted staring at the woman in front of me.

She had raven hair that had been pinned into a tight bun. Her eyes were a dull brown, and she wore a pure whit lab coat over a black sweater and pants.
"I'm Dr. Nadia Whittaker, and I'll be presiding over your physical evaluations until your patron arrives." She said in a completely monotone voice.
"My who? And there the HELL am I?!" One of the machines near me began to beep very loudly. My breathing became shallow and my heart raced. I gripped the scratchy blanket as my vision began to black out.

"532? Stay with me! Daniel I need some more C1876!" Nadia demented, I gripped her arm pulling her closer to me.
"Oh crap crap crap crap crap crap crap! Who are you BITCH? Tell me where the F*** I AM?" I screamed. My throat was closing up. I was thrashing around in the small bed I was in. I couldn't see. I couldn't breathe. All I could do was in a panicked frenzy. My screams and shouts rang through the clean room. Machines were beeping wildly, creating a cacophony of sounds. and Nadia was trying to hold me still while barking orders.
"Daniel! I need more people over here!" She called. I tried to wriggle out of her grip, but she held ever tighter.
"STOP YOU'RE HURTING ME YOU PSYCHO BITCH!" I shouted. A group of about 5 people in long white coats grouped around me, all holding down a different limb. I shook my head like a manic. That's when I saw the needle.

Possibly the longest needle on a syringe I had EVER seen in my life was headed directly for my neck.
"NOOO!" I shook more. The person holding it handed it to Nadia.
"Thank you" she muttered. I could feel tears leak out of my eyes and trail down my cheeks. Before I knew it, I was completely and utterly calm. I felt exhausted, breathless. My limbs went numb and Nadia sighed. It was almost like the calm after a hurricane. The people around me stepped back, giving me space to breathe.
"w-what was that?" I asked in a hoarse voice.
"It was a calming compound, the name is not to be revealed. Now follow me." She tugged the IV out of my arm and took my wrist. Leading me out of the room

When I got up, I realized that I was wearing a white hospital gown. "What? What would they change me? And where are my old clothes? Damn It, those were expensive jeans!" Nadia lead me down white concrete hallways to a small room. She shoved me through the door and shut the door with a click, and went into another door. I was alone in this small, cold concrete room. There was a large window one wall and a small speaker. I shuffled around until I saw Nadia through the window. I realized that I was in some sort of viewing chamber. "That's....weird." Nadia pressed a button on the large panel in front of her. A microphone rose up from the center of the panel and she opened her mouth to speak.
"532, you are Krista winters correct?" Her voice rang through the dim room
"Y-Yes." My voice echoed, almost like it was mocking me.
"Blood type AB? Birthdate December 12, 1998?"
"Yes..?" How did she know all of these things about me?
"Alright, now please strip of your clothing."

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