The Revenge of Herobrine

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The Revenge of Herobrine

"Greetings, George. I trust you found your way safely?"

"Absolutely. But I still don't understand what you want with me."

"There's been a newfound continent in the North. We want you to find out if there's anything of value in this world."

"Okay, so how do I do that?"

Clint continued. "This world is full of trees. We don't want trees. We want you to look for something of value under the surface."

"Underground? Like in a mine?"

"Yes. We will provide you with an team so that you can complete your mission."

"But... I'm not sure if..." George paused. "I have a family, you know. And my brother..."

Clint gave George a deep look. "I can assure you, man, with this job, you will never have to work again."

With George enlisted in his team, Clint continued on his search for crew members. This time, he was aiming for a legendary miner. As he trudged through the muddy ground, he looked around the landscape. There was no sign of the miner's house.

Suddenly, the ground underneath him gave way, and Clint plummeted into the darkness, narrowly missing getting his pants burned by a torch fixed on a wall. What really damaged his pants were the mine cart rails below, with multiple lines of redstone running off it.

"Get off my mine cart rails!"

He had found him.

"I have a job to offer you. The rewards are promising."

Jack stared down at Clint. Without even bothering to exit his mine cart, he asked, "what have you got to offer that I, a man with an abundant supply of gold, could possibly want?

"If you agree to our task, Jacob is willing to offer you a diamond pickaxe."

*          *          *          *          *

Jacob was the leader of the expedition. With the members of the team sorted, he was preparing a ship that would take them to the Newfound Continent.

A month later, HMS Endeavour was sailing off the maps and into the depths of the open sea. On board was the next explorers: George, the expedition leader. Jack, the expert miner. Lucy, and assistant and overwatch. Clint, the boss. Along with them came a supplement of miners, builders and guards. Jacob had refused to come along.

Preparations for the landing were going under way. There was also a last moment briefing.

"Remember, your task is to look for anything of value under the surface."

A miner chipped in. "So what exactly are we looking for? Gold? Diamonds?"

"No. Not this time," replied Clint. "You are to find a way to break and gather obsidian, and bring some back."

This sparked even more questions. "What use would you have for obsidian?"

"That's for me to know, and you to find out."

*          *          *          *          *

After one month at sea, HMS Endeavour pulled up at the dock at the colony in the Newfound Land. It was eerily quiet, except for the sound of the waves against the shore and the sound of their boots striking the gravel underfoot. However, what really put off the explorers was how every colonist was standing in a shadow looking at the ground silently.

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