We Have A Problem

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All was going to plan. The complex systems of the drill worked flawlessly. The three engineers stood in the control room while the others sat on chests in the room above.

"I need to speak to Malcolm for a minute," said Logan, climbing down the ladder leading into the control cabin. "Why do you hate me so much?"

Malcolm turned around and faced Logan. "You think that one day, I just randomly woke up and decided to kill your father? He murdered my brother, you know!"

"He killed mine, too," replied Logan, eyes on the floor.

"Well, that's something we both have in common then."

Logan climbed back up the ladder. Halfway up, he was interrupted by Kim, one of the two engineers operating the drill. "Alert! There is a large hollow coming up ahead. The drill won't be able to take such a fall. It is too close for us to attempt to tunnel around it," he called.

The General Francis spoke up. "Back us up, then."

"No time. Everyone, brace for impact!"

The drill broke through the ceiling of a massive cavern, and plummeted down. It seemed to hang suspended in midair for a brief moment, then plunged into the ground, causing the walls to shatter outwards and the drill broke loose and rolled to the side. The engine's power supply was cut off and switched off, causing the cabins to pitch violently to the side, smashing them apart on the rocks below. Finally, everything settled and time stood still.

*          *          *          *          *

Logan sat up in a pool of water. Slowly rising, he surveyed his surroundings. Fires flickered all around, and the drill was in several pieces. The cavern was almost perfectly rectangular on all sides. It was not too big, jus extremely tall. Torches were already existent on walls, and a stream of lava flowed down a corner. Pools of shallow water scattered the floor.

Everyone else awoke. General Francis gazed around, his eyes setting on a large chunk of iron embedded in the floor. "Everyone here? Good. We can rebuild the drill. All the pieces are still here."

Malcolm poked his head out from what was the primary engine room. "I agree. It is indeed possible to rebuild the drill so that we can continue on our way down through the crust of Minecraft. The engine suffered some damage, but there is nothing that we cannot manage."

Matt walked over. "Are you serious, man? Look over there." Matt pointed to the far side of the cavern. Built neatly out of mossy cobblestone was a low pyramid set into the wall. There was a 1x2 block entrance with no door. Inside, it was complete darkness. Two redstone torches were set on the walls beside the sinister-looking doorway.

Malcolm craned his head to take a look at the pyramid. "Looks like we're here." Malcolm got to his feet. We must get going, but we can't just charge in there. We don't know what's on the other side. There must be another way in."

Matt looked at him. "How are we going to get out of here then? It looks like that the pyramid is the only way in."

Malcolm stopped him. "The drill was a one-way journey anyway. And do you want to go marching in there on a rescue mission? If you want to go barging in there, I'm not going to stop you." Malcolm moved aside. "It seems like we may have to repair the drill and keep going, then."

"Wait," said Logan. "There must be another way in. Everyone, take a good look at the surroundings, and perhaps we will find a hidden passage. We may have overlooked something."

Each person took a different area, and searched every corner for anything that may hide something. Finally, Joe, the other engineer, found something. General Francis strode over. "Well done, Joe. This is what we're looking for."

It was nine blocks of sand in the wall, shaped like an upward-pointing triangle. The general broke two blocks in the bottom centre and behind it was a closed wooded door, He opened it and the group shuffled through.

On the other side was a dimly lit mine shaft, which minecart rails across the ground which ran into a doorway. There were two doorways. Malcolm took the other one which led to a room stacked with TNT as high as the eye could see. Beside it was a chest containing more TNT and redstone supplies.

Back outside, everyone was armed. Malcolm drew his sword and the group followed the rails into the dark passage.

It emerged into a dark alley, with a sheer drop hundreds of blocks down on either sides of a narrow path. The minecart rails continued, until the other side which was blocked. The rails were buried. Malcolm turned to the engineers. "Kim, Joe, dig us a tunnel to the other side."

While Kim and Joe took to the task, Malcolm turned to Logan. "I guess I owe you an apology. I shouldn't blame you for what your father did."

"No problem, Malcolm. I didn't know about your brother. I'm sorry."

At that moment, Kim and Joe broke through. The rails continued for another twenty blocks, were they ended at a minecart launching area.

The tunnels were familiar to Matt. These were the tunnels which he barely escaped from, and he knew where to go. There was a dark passage to the right, obscured by a pile of gravel, He led them through the tunnel.

On the other side was the Nether portal room. It was like how George had found it, but now it had a lava floor instead of Netherrack. At the back of the room was the portal. The group crowded around the small platform at the entrance, at the start of the lava. On the obsidian in front of the portal stood a figure, head down, facing the swirling purple gateway.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2013 ⏰

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