Start from the beginning

It was the first time I went to Neverland by myself, and I hoped that Michael's security crew knew I was coming. It would have been embarrassing if I came there without anybody knowing it. Thankfully, one of the bodyguard present at the gates recognized me, and told his colleague that I was Michael's friend, and that I was coming to work with the "nurse guy", aka Mark Pierce.

At the second I drove past the gates, this sense of belonging came back. I looked at my surroundings, and just like that, the previous events vanished from my head to make room for happier thoughts. This was the effect this place and what it represented had on me.

Michael asked for me to stay the night, since he didn't want me to have a three hours ride back to LA by myself. It wasn't a problem for me to stay there, since I worked the night shift the next day. On the contrary, being at Neverland was always a pleasure, so I didn't argue.

I parked my car in front of the main house where Matt, one of Michael's bodyguard, and a couple of maids, including Adrian, were waiting for me. I stepped out of the car with my bag over my shoulder, and greeted them with a wide smile.

"Good morning Dr. Thames," Adrian gently said, returning my smile. "It's good to see you again!"

"I'm glad to be back here," I sighed happily, looking around me again.

"I'll walk you to your room so that you can settle in there. After that, Matt will escort you to the movie theater where the other doctor is waiting for you," she explained, and Matt nodded his head, agreeing. "Please, follow me."

Surprisingly, Adrian asked me to follow her to the main house. I didn't think that Michael would want me in his house while he was away. I thought he would want me to stay in one of the guest rooms, but I was visibly wrong. Actually, it brought a smile to my face knowing he trusted me enough to let me in his home by myself. Well, not really by myself since there were workers everywhere.

"The boss asked specifically for you to stay in the same room as the last time you came. He said it was yours now," she announced while we were in the middle of the stairs.

"Mine? It's my room now?" I asked again for clarification. I was quite surprised. Michael's gesture warmed up my heart. He cared so much about me that he gave me a room in his house, so that I could be close to him.

"As you know, Ms. Taylor has her own room too. Mr. Jackson wants his friend to feel like they're home here," Michael's employee explained, and I smiled a bit at her words. "There you go. Matt is waiting for you downstairs. Take the time you need to get settled," she softly said, and I thanked her. It took her a few seconds to disappear, closing the door of my bedroom on her way out.

A couple of towels were folded neatly on the bed, along with a bathrobe. I took it in my hands, and realized that my name was written on the back of it. I blinked twice, just to be sure I did see correctly, and shook my head at Michael's adorable gesture. He really wanted me to take my mark here, and it made my heart flutter just thinking about the fact that he wanted me to stay, to feel home. Under the bathrobe, I found a red shirt, similar to the one he gave me the last time. I frowned a little, and brought it to my nose. Of course, it smelled just like him. I knew this was requested by Michael again, since he knew I had a thing with his shirts. He probably thought I just liked their style, though. I doubted that he knew I liked them because they smelled like him, which would be... awkward.

With a happy sigh, I sat on the edge of the bed and looked down at Michael's shirt. I missed him, there was no denying it.


It was weird to do my job outside the hospital's walls, but it was also amazing: I was at Neverland, one of the place I loved most on earth, doing what I loved the most. We had thirteen ill kids around, including a couple of kids with a motor disability in wheelchairs. Mark and I took care of them for the whole day. Since they couldn't go on the rides with the other kids, we made sure that they had a blast anyway. While the other kids were around the amusement park with the foundation's staff, we brought Alyssa and Holly to the zoo after we got them cotton candy.

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