Face to Face

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Sibuna left the meeting, Fabian and Nina leaving together.

"We haven't spent as much time together as I envisioned we would," Nina admitted.

"No, but it makes our moments more special," Fabian replied as they walked down the stairs.

Nina stopped at the bottom, and Fabian did along with her.

"Do you miss us?" Nina asked. "Like, us?"

Fabian hesitated, knowing exactly what she meant. "Sometimes...most of the time."

"But we both know I go back to America when summer ends to start my next fall semester."


"But after next summer, I-I-"

"You what?"

"I study abroad in England for my last two years of college."

Fabian was too awestruck to move a muscle at first. But when everything inside him began working again, he didn't cheer or compliment Nina, but he suddenly kissed her out of nowhere. His hands rose up to her neck, and soon enough, he parted his lips from hers, his hands still up by her neck.

Nina smiled, and Fabian smiled back. But they jumped out of their daze when the front door swung open with exhilarating force.

It was Set/Jerome.

And he didn't look happy.

He went up to Nina and Fabian after slamming the door shut behind himself.

"Where is she?!" he bellowed.

This caused the girls upstairs to come to top of the stairs, and the boys to come out their rooms.

"What-who?" Nina asked.

"You know who. You all do!" Jerome pointed around. "Don't you?"

"We haven't seen her since her mysterious disappearance," Patricia chimed-in from the top floor.

"Then why didn't you call the police? Because you know where she is. You have her!"

"Guys, maybe you've gone a bit to far with this surprise," Mick said.

"Surprise?" Set laughed madly. "Is that what you told him this was?" He face Mick. "Oh no, they are keeping many secrets from you Mick. They've been keeping them for a long time."

Mick eyed the others.

"Ok Set, that's enough," Eddie stepped forward.

"Set? What the-" Mick was confused.

"You know who's here. I'm the Osirion, Mara's the Chosen One, and Nina has both in her. We have powers. We can use them."

"And I am Set. I'm the one who killed Osiris in ancient times. I'm sure I can kill you and his spirit that lies within you. The thing that sets me apart from any of you, is the fact that I am actually Set. I've just latched on to a host, but you three are just mortals with Egyptian god spirits in you. You're not even a true god. None of you are."

"And you know what sets us apart from you?" Joy walked through the girls, halfway down the steps.

"Joy," Nina whispered.

Joy ignored her. "We're a team. We fight together, and all the power in the world wouldn't guarantee our victory, but we're not scared of you. And you know what the funny thing is? You should be scared of us, 'cause we don't plan on losing."

Set just frowned at her. He seemed angry, but Joy just stood there bold, holding her current authority. Set eventually turned around and left the summer house.

"Awesome job, Joy!" Mara congratulated.

"Yeah, you rock," Amber agreed.

"Way to go," KT smiled.

"Before you get to the celebration, someone tell me what's going on," Mick instructed.

"You might want to sit down for this," Fabian mentioned.

"It's a lot," Nina added.


Wonder what Set's up to now. What do you think he's up to? And how many of you wanted to see Fabina back? (I know I did)

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