Buried Alive

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Jerome went into his own room, but knocked on Fabian's door before doing so. Fabian came out of his room, noticed Jerome's door wide open, and he went in. Jerome was casually sitting on his bed.

Fabian closed the door behind himself.

"I need to talk to you," he stated.

"Talk then," Jerome grinned invitingly.

"Nina told me what you were acting like this morning, and I'm here to confront you about it. Are you feeling ok, Jerome?"

Am I feeling ok?" Jerome stood up as he took a deep breath through his nose. His height plus his hair lingered over Fabian. "Never better." He began pacing around the room.

"But you're not the same."

"And why does that matter to you?" Jerome asked, picking up and throwing down some baseball cards.

"Because you're Jerome, my friend. And you creeped out Nina. A few days ago, you were the same conning Jerome I always knew. Now, you're just...an entirely different person."

"Entirely different, you say? Well, I took no notice."

"You even talk differently."

"Fabian, how about you stick to worrying Eddie and Patricia instead of worrying so much about me?"

"How'd you know about that?"

"I have my ways," he grinned devilishly. He opened the door and escorted Fabian out, closing the door as soon as he was able to.

Fabian was left pondering Jerome's sudden change as well.

Eddie woke up with a start, coughing a bit. He tried to rise up into a sitting position, but his head immediately banged into something hard.

What the-, he thought.

He realized his entire body was enclosed in this tight space of wood. And he had finally realized, after an ounce of thought, that he was in a coffin.

He knew what to do in this situation. After all, he did have a summer camp he once went to, teaching him to survive different events, including being buried alive. Weird camp, but helpful.

He'd have to avoid talking and would have to inhale longer than he exhaled. The idea wasn't to panic, but to stay calm, or he'd hyperventilate and use up his air. He calmed himself, did a little prayer, and began the process of escaping.

He found a way to take off his shirt, tie the bottom of it, and stick his head through the collar. This would avoid him from suffocating from dirt as he clambered his way out.

He began bean hind in the coffin lid with all his strength, and when it finally budged, he did his best to slant it towards his feet so much of the dirt would fall that way. He did his best to get himself up and clamber through the dirt, up to the main level of ground, and it wasn't the easiest task, but he finally did it. After six feet of climbing through dirt, he actually did it. He took the shirt off his head and shook his head to get the little dirt in his hair out. He heard something strange below the ground, a few inches away, realizing it must've been someone else down there.

"Help! Help!"

Her faint voice cried these words. Eddie realized it was Patricia.

"Don't talk too much Patricia!" Eddie instructed as he went to digging with his hands. "You'll waste your oxygen!"

Eddie noticed his hands were red, but that didn't matter. He pounded and clawed his way through six more feet of dirt until he could safely get Patricia out. It took him time to push the dirt out of the hole and also more towards the bottom of the coffin. Eddie used his strength to break off the coffin's lid, as it filled with dirt. He pulled Patricia up with her pressed against his body, as they both finally stumbled out.

The breathed harshly in the night, surrounded by trees. Eddie still didn't have his shirt on, and Patricia noticed. She was,staring awkwardly.

"Sorry," Eddie held his shirt up to his chest.

"No, no, it's cool. You are a dude. And you're my boyfriend."

Eddie stood up as he dusted off his shirt and put it back on. "Hey, doesn't this place look familiar? Like the clearing in the woods near Anubis house?"

Patricia stood up too. "Yeah. I think that's where we are. Why here?"

"We're lucky it was here and not somewhere in an Egyptian desert," Eddie admitted. "We should get back. They're probably crazy about searching for us."

Patricia nodded, and they began to limp to the summer house, both of them out of energy. Patricia noticed Eddie's hands on the way there.

"Those look raw," she gagged. "You need to see about those as soon as we get back."

"Since when did you become a doctor, yacker?" Eddie joked.

"I didn't. If I did, I'd be the one to see about them when we got back."

"Good one."

When Eddie and Patricia made it back to the summer house, they knocked on the door since they didn't have their keys to the house. Nina opened it. She squealed and hugged them both, and then she rushed them inside.

"One second," Nina told them, "I have to get Fabian and Alfie off their shift."

After she and Alfie had gone through their shift that day, KT and Mara went, an then Alfie volunteered again to go with Fabian. As she went into the basement, Jerome crept silently out his room and leaned on the wall beside his doorway, down the hallway.

Eddie finally noticed. "Oh, hi Jerome."

Jerome's arms were overlapping eachother, with one hand holding onto the other arm. He stepped towards them.

"Hi," he marveled. After all, since the god of disorder, violence, and chaos was inside him, he knew exactly what happened. At least, Set did, but Jerome was completely unaware. "Where've you two been?"

"You wouldn't believe us if we told you," Eddie replied, glimpsing back at Patricia.

Jerome glimpsed down at Eddie's hands. "I'm assuming you didn't have gloves or tools in whatever you were doing, either?"

Eddie realized what he was talking about and laughed. "No. Not at all."

Nina came up from the basement with Fabian and Alfie, and they greeted them back. The girls upstairs also heard all the voices, and Mara and KT ran straight to Eddie and Patricia to welcome them back. Honestly, Willow and Joy hadn't noticed they were gone; they just assumed they were being quiet.

Since it was late night, everyone split off to their own rooms, but before Eddie was in his, Jerome stopped him. Everyone else was behind closed doors, falling asleep in their beds(except for Patricia who would take a shower to get the dirt off her).

"Oh, what's up, Jerome?" Eddie asked.

"Who do you think did this to you?" Jerome questioned, listening intently.

"You don't even know what happened."

"But it was obviously something bad. Was it a Sibuna thing? Did a god do this to you, perhaps-Set?" Jerome grinned. Set, inside him, knew every memory, every thought, every experience Jerome ever had, so he knew everything Jerome knew plus his own knowledge.

"How do you-"

"-get some sleep, will you? You're bones and muscles will loosen out as you do."

"But I never told-"

Jerome patted Eddie's arm. "Just sleep."

Jerome slipped into his own room, shutting the door behind himself. He grinned evilly. Even though Eddie and Patricia escaped this one, there were some tricks he had up his sleeve for everyone staying in the summer house.

This would be one hell, of a summer vacation.

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