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Jin approaches Jimin's classroom and looks through the little window on the door. Jimin was sitting at his desk opening up his notebook, trying to prepare himself to take notes. He glances up and notices Jin at the door. His eyes go wide as Jin begins mouthing something to him.

Jimin furrows his brows because he doesn't understand him. "What?" He mouths back as Jin tries to repeat himself. Jimin points at his ear and shakes his head when the teacher says, "Mr. Park!"

He quickly looks at the teacher as everyone looks at him. "Uhh.. yes Mrs. Chi?"

"Is there something you'd like to share with the class?"

Jimin shakes his head, "N-no ma'am."

She glances over at the door and sees Jin through the little window. She presses her lips together as she walks to the door and opens it. "Mr. Kim.. shouldn't you be in your class?"

"Yes Mrs. Chi, but I really need to speak with Jimin. It's really really REALLY important."

She sighs as she turns back to the class. "Mr. Park, will you come here please?"

Jimin stands from his desk and slowly walks to the door while everyone was whispering about what was going on.

"Five minutes." Mrs. Chi says as both boys give her a little bow. "Thank you Mrs. Chi." Jin says as she goes into the classroom, shutting the door behind her.

"What is it Jin?" Jimin asks looking at Jin all doe-eyed.

"I wanted to talk to you about tonight! Are you going to meet with your secret admirer?"

Jimins expression turned into confusion as he says, "Yeah, why?"

"Because you can't."

"Why not?"

"Because if you go, Jungkook and Taehyung are going to ruin it! They're gonna sabotage your meeting with Yoongi and then humiliate you in front of the entire school!"

Jimin shakes his head, "What are you talking about? I'm not meeting Yoongi.. I'm meeting my secret admirer."

"Exactly!" Jin exclaims making Jimin look down the hall since he was loud. "Yoongi is your secret admirer and you can't go meet with him."

Jimin looks back at him beginning to chuckle, "Yeah right. Yoongi would never like me."

Jin grabs his shoulders, catching Jimin off guard so it scares him a little. "But he does. I followed him to the library the other day and he admitted it to me."

Jimin looks at him with upturned brows, a little scared of how Jin was acting. "You followed him?! Isn't that a bit much?"

Jin lets him go then says, "Maybe a bit, but I got the truth out of him. Now, you can't go meet him tonight because like I said they will sabotage it. Hoseok told them y'all were meeting and—"

"Woah woah woah." Jimin interrupts, putting his hands up to stop Jin. "Hoseok told them?"

Jin nods ferociously, "Yes Jimin! He's paying them to ruin everything!"

At first, Jimin kinda started to believe him but now any kind of doubt had vanished and everything Jin said just sounded crazy. "So let me get this straight.. Yoongi, the most coolest, most straightest guy in school told you that he was my secret admirer after you followed him to the library?" Jin just nods his head. "And Hoseok, Who has been my best friend for ten years now, is paying Jungkook and Taehyung, the biggest bullies in school, to sabotage mine and Yoongi's meeting tonight and humiliate me in front of the entire school?"

"Uhh, yeah yeah. That's right." Jin was completely serious as he rests his hands on his hips nodding his head.

Jimin just looks at him with a straight face. "Have you lost your mind?"

Jin drops his hands from his hips, "No Jimin. I'm telling the truth."

Jimin shakes his head. "Ya know, at first I thought you were onto something but this is just ridiculous! You don't know me! You just started talking to me! And now you're trying to start shit between me and the only friend I have! How about you stay away from me!" He turns to go back into his class as Jin pulls on his arm. "Wait, Jimin no! You gotta believe me!"

Jimin yanks his arm away as he exclaims, "Leave. Me. Alone! You're crazy!" He quickly walks into the classroom and leaves Jin standing there all devastated. He couldn't believe Jimin didn't believe him, though he did sound a bit crazy.

Throughout the day, Jin was feeling sorry for himself.. he didn't know what to do. Things were gonna happen just like before and there was nothing he could do about it.

"Hey man." Namjoon says as he walks up to Jin, who was sitting on a bench outside the school.

"Oh.. hey."

"What's wrong?" Namjoon asks as he sits down beside him. "Though I probably already know the answer."

Jin looks at him with sad eyes. "It's my dream."

Namjoon rolls his eyes. "This again."

"No, seriously Namjoon. You don't get it. You don't know what I saw. What I'm dealing with. I watched you get stabbed to death right before my eyes. I literally went crazy and ended up in a mental hospital where no one believed me.. Everything I dreamed is happening so far and no matter what I do, it doesn't change anything." He takes a deep breath as he looks away, shrugging his broad shoulders, "Jungkook and Taehyung are gonna ruin their meeting again and we're all just gonna die."

Namjoon could see he really was going through something and he felt bad for not taking it seriously. "Well, let's say I do believe you." Namjoon says making Jin look at him again, "Why don't you just go and stop them from ruining it?"

What Namjoon said clicked in Jins brain. "Wait a minute. You're right. I can still make it to the park and stop them!"

Namjoon smiles and nods at the older.

"Namjoon! You're a genius!" Jin exclaims as he stands up.

"Well.. I wouldn't say that." He says then Jin gives him a big hug cutting him off.

"Thanks man! See, this is why you're my best friend!" He goes to run off and yells back, "I'll text ya later!"

Namjoon sits there smiling, watching his best friend run off as he mutters to himself, "I hope you can fix it Jin. I really do."

Retribution || BTS Horror/Thriller AUOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora