Prologue(the beginning of the end)

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"And this is Jungkook. He talks back a lot. Oh and here's Jimin, he's so short but whenever someone mentions it he'll get super mad" Jin said as he gazed at the camera fondly.

"Jin...I don't know how to say this" Jin looked up at the Docter in confusion.
"Jin, there's no one there"

Jin looked up at the doctor, confused. How could he say that when they are right on the screen in front of them. All his friends...his only friends. They'd never leave him. They'd never leave him. They'd never leave him.

Jin started shivering profoundly, looking around. "Where am I? Where are they? Where did they go? They didnt leave me. They didnt leave me" he repeated it over and over, rocking back and forth. His breathing getting caught up in his throat, he started grasping at his neck. He couldn't breath.

"Ms.Soo, bring in the gas" the doctor yelled.

Someone else he didn't know entered the room and started putting a sort of mask on his face.

"No get off of me. Get off. Get off. Where are they. WHERE ARE THEY" he started shrieking his voice shrill, tears running down his face.

Suddenly his voice started fading and his consciousness slowly started to fade away, welcoming an empty blackness.

When Jin opened his eyes he found himself surrounded by blue skies and grassy fields; a place he recognized instantly.

"Jin hyung!" He hear a far too familiar voice call for him. He looked up to see his friends walking up to him, with bright smiles on their welcoming faces.

"Where have you been?" Namjoon asked, reaching out to Jin and pulling him up to join him.

"Oh it's not important.." Jin said thinking about his encounter with the docter. If they weren't real, how could they be here with me right now, he assured himself.

Author note: Hey guys this is my first story! I really hope it goes well. If you
read this thank you so so much. I hope it amounts to something readable. 💗💗

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2018 ⏰

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