"Huh?" Johnny replied.

"The suit."

"Oh. Yeah. That." Her outfit was comprised of a thick protective layer underneath its dark blue exterior. No extra patterns or colors were a component of the exterior. Only a small white button affixed onto her left shoulder—akin to his. In fact, Z had gifted her a mask exactly the same as his, except that it was deep gray.

Jane turned to the case. "I found it with this." She pointed to the taped label, which also read the same as the box he had found on his doorstep.

Furrowing his brow, Johnny was puzzled. "That was on mine too."

Jane nodded. "It all makes sense. This guy, Z, must be the same one we came across."

"It is," he responded, walking towards her box. He grasped both sides of it with his hands.

"How do you know?" she replied.

"Because I just have that feeling."

Bemused, she moved on. "Have you heard from the others?"

"Yeah," he responded, his hand on the back of his neck, in pensive mood.

"What's wrong?" she asked, walking towards him.

"I don't know. I don't know why he's doing this." He raised his head. "What does he want with us? Why? Why all this?"

"I understand your frustration," she replied. "But we need to have patience. In time, we might find out."

"Yeah, but I don't think I can handle two mystery men," she said.

"Two?" Johnny repeated.

She rolled her eyes. "You know, your visitor?"

"Oh, him," Johnny realized. He shook his head from his own stupidity.

"Him?" Jane repeated, now also confused.

"I suppose it's a he," Johnny explained. "Only makes sense from the way he talked and moved and everything." He paused. "Look, are you ready to go Kevin's place? The others are already there."

"What would you do if I said no?" Johnny was dumbfounded, never expecting such a remark. Jane giggled at the look on his face, "Don't worry, of course I'm coming!"

"Good. Let's go."

"Just let me get out of this thing. You don't want us walking to the car in this, do you?"

"Who said anything about walking?"

"What?" He grabbed her as if she were weightless, snatched up her keys and her phone, and locked the door behind them. A moment later, they were in her car, with Jane in the driver's seat. Johnny was surprised at how light Jane's body felt in his arms, and wondered if she ever ate, or whether his years of martial arts and body training were finally paying off.

She sat blinking and gasping. "Oh my gosh, I think I might puke."

Sorrow seized Johnny. "Oh crap."

* * *

Forty-five minutes later, the pair arrived at Kevin's house. The gate unlocked, and they headed to meet up with the others.

"Wow, you two look sharp," Sam commented approvingly. Looking sharp himself in his own brand-new bodysuit, colored dark blue as well with long, snow white highlights running from his neck, across his shoulders and arms, and to his hands. From his shoulder blades, white winding lines traced down the sides of his chest to the ankles.

"Hey!" Rose exclaimed. Contrary to theirs, her suit was a dark red, with black edging on the sides of her ribs.

"W-Wow, this is so damn a-amazing," admired Kevin, dressed in his simple-yet-comfortable hoodie and sounding a tiny bit envious.

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