Hazelia stepped between Y/N and Jack before taking each one of their hands and closing her eyes, imagining the bond. Jack's hand didn't felt cold to her what with being beside him for hundreds of years.
She smiled when she saw a glowing line coming out from Jack to Y/N, tying them together in her mind. When she opened her eyes, she brought both Y/N and Jack closer to her and hugged them.

Though as happy as she could be, she couldn't helped feeling a little sad knowing that Jack might not have so much time to be with her like how he used to. Memories of when she first met him, the days he trained her to control her powers and how they became best friends until they're like brother and sister came flooding in her mind and she smiled bigger. Happy tears filled her vision and she hugged them tighter.

" You're gonna cry, aren't you?" she heard Jack's voice and looked up to see him looking at her.

" Well, no kidding. I feel like I'm giving my brother away to somebody and I might lose him completely. Call me weird, but who cares?"

" Of course you won't lose him. That's the most idiotic thing I ever heard from you." Jack replied, knowing who she meant by "brother" and engulfed her in a hug.

" Besides, if he ever try to forget about you. I'll be sure to kick him in the face." Y/N chimed in, patting Hazelia's shoulder.

Hazelia pulled away, and hugged Y/N briefly.

" Take good care of him," she said.

Y/N laughed.

" We'll see. Now let's get down." she told them and the three of them walked down the stage to join their friends and parents.

" Next up! The election of the Immortal Warriors. I will like to call Marina Valentine, Dento Grom, Juliana Clamp, Bree Breeze, Heath Flames, Glory Katana, Ruby Roxander and Holly Amber to come up the stage," April called out and the warriors who used to be only normal students of Mix Academy climbed up the stage.

Marina had cut her long glossy black hair until it reached just below her shoulders, her sword as usual, strapped to her waist. Dento Grom came up with his pet griffin beside him. Juliana Clamp was dressed up as "icy" as possible, with snowflakes in her hair. Bree Breeze had her blue hair whipping behind her as if a gust of wind kept on blowing at her. Heath Flames, as usual... was on fire. Glory Katana had her bow strapped to her back. Ruby Roxander walked casually, dressed in black. While Holly had a goldish glow to her.

" As we all know, these are students who have shown bravery and potential to become professionals of their skills, and so now they will become the warriors of our realm. For them, the vows had been taken yesterday night and they had all answered them splendidly. Now, let's us all give a big applause for these courageous warriors!" April exclaimed and the audience applaused while some even cheered. " Alright, thank you, warriors. You may go back to your places now."

"Next, I'm calling Janice Harris up the stage."

Janice had been waiting for this moment to come all along and now that it's finally here, she felt a wave of nervousness washing over her. She squeezed her mother's hand briefly when a warm hand landed on her shoulder. She looked back to see Merida with the rest of her friends smiling encouragingly at her.

" Ye'll do great." Merida said, smiling at her.

" Yeah, we'll be right here to support you," Y/N added, earning nods from the rest.

" Thanks, guys." Janice replied and then took a deep breath and walked up the stage.

She was wearing a grey dress which once belonged to her mother when she was young. Her hair was pinned up, and she seemed to glow even though how mortal she clearly looked.

Unite (sequel to Team) Big Four + reader + Hazelia, my fictional twinWhere stories live. Discover now