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And I wonder why, if there's no time, it feels like everything is lining up just right

Vegeta was kind enough to invite me to stay in someone else's home, in true Vegeta fashion. The girl who was keeping the two of us had given him a shirt that was probably the funniest thing in the world to me as of right now. It was a bright pink button-up shirt that I was going to have to write on when he wasn't paying attention. I was excited to be living so close to him again, as I knew the prank possibilities were seemingly endless.

At the moment, Bulma, the girl we were staying with, was making Vegeta get in the shower because he, as she so kindly put it, smelled "like a dying animal." I decided that this was a prime prank opportunity. I filled up a bucket with ice and cold water and slowly walked into the bathroom. In one swift motion, I reached over the shower's curtain and dumped the ice water and sprinted out of the room as I heard Vegeta yell, "(Y/n), you're a dead woman!"

I tried not to laugh as I hid the bucket and sat with Bulma as if nothing had happened. She looked at me in a judging way and I just quietly said "Act natural," as I waited for Vegeta to come running after me. Bulma just laughed at me and pretended like I wasn't even there.

I was peacefully sitting in Bulma's comfortable, cushy chair, when myself and the chair were knocked over by a soaking wet, half-naked Saiyan. "Vegeta, what the hell?!" Bulma yelled while I tried my best not to laugh.

"She's testing me woman, stay out of this!" Vegeta snapped.

"Vegeta, she's literally been sitting here for the past hour! What could she possibly have done to make you mad?!" Bulma yelled, trying to lie for me.

"Bullshit! I saw her!" Vegeta yelled back.

"Well (y/n), I tried to save you, have fun," Bulma said, walking away. I decided to take matters into my own hands and shoved Vegeta off of me and laughed. I took off running out of the house, figuring that if Vegeta had to fight me, we wouldn't destroy Bulma's place.

"Get back here, coward!" Vegeta yelled at me. I laughed as Vegeta chased after me, failing to find any humor in the situation.

As I got closer to the public eye, I was tackled by none other than Vegeta. I slightly regretted the prank as he was freezing cold. I looked up at him and stuck my tongue out at him. Vegeta picked me up by my shirt collar, as though he were trying to threaten me. I just crossed my arms and stared at him with the same stern, angry expression that he was giving me. "See, not so scary, is it?" I said, not changing my expression.

Vegeta scoffed and tossed me aside like a rag doll. "I'm bored of this, but it's not over yet woman," he said before walking in the house and slamming the door. I got up and walked after him and tried to open the door, only to realize that I had been locked out.

"Vegeta, unlock the damn door!" I yelled, banging on the door.

Well played.

Friendly Rivalry (Vegeta x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now