☼ Chapter Nine

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【 𝐀𝐕𝐎𝐍 】
"I'm waking up, to ash and dust. I wipe my brow and I sweat my rust. I'm breathing in, the chemicals."

   Avon sat in the corner of his monochrome cell in silence, fiddling with the worn out piece of paper Cyra had given to him a month or so ago. The necklace she left behind was shoved in his pocket, hidden, so no guard could take it away from him. Those two items were his only hope, giving him strength to keep going because Cyra would want him to. A day didn't go by where Avon didn't think of his sister, her bright smile that could light up a room, the way she laughed when she thought no one was looking. In a way, Cyra was the only thing keeping her brother sane.

   In two days, Avon would be launched out into space and killed - the trial never worked in anyones favour. Perhaps, it was a good thing, he thought. He could finally be with his Father, with Cyra. For once, Avon was ready to die - welcoming it with open arms. They say the mind is your worst enemy, if your stuck alone it can just eat you up until you feel nothing, until you're ready to give up.

   The high-pitched beep of the door startled Avon, he quickly pushed himself up off of the floor - his back pressing against the wall. Two men barged into the room, one held a sleek black box in their hand while the other held the taser stick - Avon had experienced the shock enough time to know it was stupid disobeying the guards.

   "Prisoner two-seven-six, face the wall." The one up front barked at Avon, but he didn't budge. "It's not my time, I have two days. Get out." He countered.

   The guard grabbed Avon by the shoulder and spun him around to face the wall, he snatched his wrist and the second guard opened the box. Inside, a metal bracelet with two needles sat - he could hear the soft hum of the band already. Avon began shouting words of protest, but nothing seemed to faze the guards. They clipped the wristband on his wrist, the metal needles dug into his skin and he let out a small groan.

   The guard latched onto his arms and pushed him out of the cell, Avon looked around in a panicked state at all of the prisoners being dragged out of their cells by guards. "Eyes forward." The guard growled behind him. Abby was standing around 20 metres ahead, holding Clarke's semi-conscious body in her arms.

   "Abby?" Avon called, twisting out of the guards gripped and sprinting forward. Abby looked at him with a mixture of relief and worry, "Abby, what's happening? Please, tell me." Avon said timidly.

   "Prisoner two-seven-six!" The guards called from down the hall, Avon frantically looked to Abby for an answer as he was grabbed by the guards and dragged away.

   "Earth, Avon. You're going to Earth."

   Avon sat in the dropship, strapped down tightly to a seat. Rows of teenagers sat around the drop ship, some looked like they were going to die - which was reasonable. While others had smiles plastered onto their faces.

   "You're the brother of that girl? Right?" A boy beside Avon asked, "Who was sent down?"

   Avon met his eyes then looked back down at his feet, nodding sadly, "Yeah, that's me." The boy smiled sadly, as if he was pitying Avon. In a way, he resembled Avon; chocolate brown eyes and and a buzz cut.

   "I'm Nathan, by the way. Call me Miller though! I'd shake your hand but," He moved around in his seat to show how little he could move, "I can't really move." They both laughed.

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