☼ Chapter Three

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【 𝐂𝐘𝐑𝐀 】
"Tell the world I'm coming home. Let the rain wash away all the pain of yesterday."

  "I'm so sorry," Cyra sobbed, "This is all my fault." Cyra stood with her hand on the glass in front of the airlock chamber. Avon was by her side as well as the chancellor and some others - including Bellamy.

   "Don't be sorry, sweetheart." He whispered from the other side, "Go to earth, and live." Cyra nodded, her hand still on the glass shaking. Tears were flowing down Cyra and Avon's face.

   "I love you, both, so much." Their Dad was crying too now.

   "We know," Avon said, putting his arm around a broken Cyra, "We love you too." Cyra nodded as her brother rubbed the side of her arm soothingly.

   "Okay. That's enough." The guard accompanying Jaha stepped forward and pulled Cyra back, gripping onto her arms. She squirmed in his grip but the guard didn't budge, instead he dug his nails deep into her arms. Enough for little drops of blood to appear.

   "No!" Cyra shrieked, "You can't fucking do this!" Cyra kicked and punched everything she could.

   "Being the countdown sir?" One of the guards Cyra didn't recognize stood by the lever that would end her Dad's life and let him out into space. You could barely hear the conversation over Cyra's screaming.

   "Yes." Was all Jaha said, staring right into their Father's eyes.

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   The countdown began, Cyra's heart was beating a million times an hour. She felt like her world had completely stopped and everything was falling apart right in her hands. She looked into her Father's eyes, he smiled at her as the countdown went on.

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   "I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry." Cyra whispered, she had completely collapsed to the floor - the guard gave up on her. Bellamy was the only one keeping her upright and she spoke to her Dad from the other side of the glass.

   "It's all my fault, I'm the reason you're being floated. I'm sorry." The entire room was quiet, except for the countdown. Everyone listened to Cyra's cries, some even feeling sorry for the girl.

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   "Don't be sorry, you and your brother are the best thing that ever happened to me, your mother would be so, so proud." He took deep breaths as he spoke, preparing himself for what was about to happen.

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    She watched as her Dad smiled at her for the very last time, sobs racked her body as she watched her Dad. Cyra did the best she could to flash a small smile back, she could've sworn she heard her Dad chuckle like he always did from the other side.

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   Gone. Cyra watched in horror as the doors behind her Dad opened and all the air was sucked out of his lungs. She felt Bellamy let her go to give her space, "No!" Cyra rushed up to the glass, hitting it repeatedly with her fist.

   "Hey, hey, hey. Shh," Avon walked up to Cyra, trying his best to comfort her. He still remembered one of the last things his Father told him, 'take care of Cyra for me, will you?'

   Cyra slid down the glass door, hugging her knees into her chest- soon her sobs slowed down, the sadness that once filled her body was replaced with anger. Anger for the council, anger for anyone who had never gone through this.

   You're stronger than this, Cyra. She told herself, after a few minutes of silence she stood up. Her eyes were completely bloodshot and dried blood surrounded her lips from biting down too hard. Jaha and the guards stood still and emotionless in front of the door, Cyra stalked up to them like they were prey.

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