My Affair with the Leto Brothers {Part 3: WHICH ONE?}

Start from the beginning

It was still cold outside and I shivered in my little black dress as I made my way quickly to the pub. When I arrived everyone was just finishing their food. I squeezed in next to James, the president, without even looking at who else was already there.

"Hey, here's Y/N!" He called to everyone down the table.

Jess budged up to give me some more space on the other side. She moved a little closer to Garrett who winked at her while chewing, and nodded at me,

"Arite babe." He said, pointing with his fork. "James got you a drink already."

"Thanks." I took a sip and then finally looked around at all the faces. Jared was the only one averting his eyes and quietly finishing his food. I waited until he had finished completely and then I nudged Jess.

"You okay?" She asked, eyes wide.

"I should talk to him."

"What, now?!"

Before she could stop me I hopped out of my seat on the bench and walked round to the other side of the table and sat right in between Jared and Shane.

"Arite Y/N!" Shane almost had me in a headlock. "Looking fit."

I squealed a little and struggled free. "Hands off, you."

I turned to see Jared looking at me like he couldn't believe I had the nerve to speak to him. His hair was slicked back this week and it really suited him.

"Hi, Jared." I said, losing myself in his eyes already.

Everyone else was busy chatting so it wasn't too awkward.

"Hi." He said, softly. "Listen..."


We both spoke at the same time. I giggled and urged him to go first.

"I don't know what to say to you, Y/N so for the sake of the group I'm just going to let things go. I hope we're cool?"

I was stunned. I hope we're cool?  Shannon's words echoing again...

"I... was a dick, Jared. I should have told you but... there's no excuse. So yeah for the sake of everyone here, we're cool."

We sat and talked for quite a while. Others chipped in when they realised there wasn't going to be a massive argument of any kind, and it all seemed to be going smoothly. Jess winked at me and gave me that classic thumbs up. Jared saw and we both returned the gesture and laughed. 

We walked back to Jess's house after everyone had paid their share and I spoke with Jared the entire way about music and we even spoke about Shannon. 

Once we were settled in a circle in Jess's living room, myself on the three-seater sofa in between Shane and Jared, we were ready to start drinking properly. We played some more drinking games and we were slowly getting more and more tipsy until I realised that Jared's arm was around my shoulder.

I eyed Jess who gave me a don't even go there look.

I wasn't uncomfortable with the contact, but I certainly didn't want our conversation earlier to mean nothing.  

Just when things were going well, the back kitchen door flew open. It made us all jump because we had no idea it was unlocked. Jared jumped so hard he squeezed my shoulder. I panicked and looked at Jess.

"What's up." 

In swaggered Shannon. All attitude and sunglasses, a huge crate of cider under his arm. I couldn't see his eyes but I knew he had taken note of where Jared's arm was and he dismissed it. I was frozen in my seat, wide eyed and torn between complete panic and utter infatuation. He looked even hotter than last time. He was wearing a smart shirt, no tie, and black leather pants.

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