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Jungkook continued to sob as the man cradling him stood and rocked him as gently as he could. "You're alright, my baby. You're okay."

"I-I'm not!" He cries.

It's then that the other man, Seokjin, exited the kitchen, a baby bottle in hand. Jungkook has a pretty good idea as to what the man's plan was, and it made him whine loudly in protest.

"Give him to me, Joon." Seokjin said softly, as his husband handed him the boy as gently as he could. He murmured something about leaving for the store, but Jungkook barely processed it as he was too occupied with crying.

Seokjin walked over to a comfortable looking chair glider in the corner of the living room, next to a bookcase. He took a seat and situated the young boy on his lap. "I know this is scary sweetheart, but we just want to make you happy. You can live such a good life here. Your appa and I can give you everything you've ever wanted."

The mans words did nothing to comfort Jungkook, "I w-want to go home, p-please!"

Seokjin tuts softly at him, "You didn't have a home, precious. You sleeping behind a dirty old dumpster was no home, and such a pretty baby like you deserved so much better."

"W-Why are you doing this to me?" Jungkook whimpers. His tears were slowing, only because he was running out of energy to continue sobbing.

"We're doing this for you, my precious boy. We can give you so much love, and fun. You'll live such a full and happy life with us. You'll have friends to play with, any toy you could ever want, a full belly and a warm place to sleep every night. Doesn't that sound nice, baby?" Jungkook had to admit, it sounded amazing. He would kill to live a life like the one the man described. But at what cost? And how did he know if the man was telling the truth.

"I-I don't have a choice, do I?" Jungkook asks softly.

Seokjin smiles at him, but doesn't answer his question. "Let's fill this little belly of yours, yes?"

The man brings the teat of the bottle to the boys lips, and frowns when the boy refuses to open his mouth. "Baby, daddy promises that it's very yummy, and it'll make your tummy all nice and full." 

Jungkook thought about his options here. Clearly, the men weren't going to give up the facade of treating him like a literal infant. If he didn't take what the man was offering now, who knew how long it would be before they allowed him any food?

He didn't want this, but what other choice did he have? He very hesitantly opened his mouth, allowing the man to slip the nipple of the bottle past his lips. The situation was humiliating, the man above him was smiling at him fondly, glad that he had accepted the bottle.

When Seokjin noticed the boys obvious blush on his cheeks and the fact that he had yet to start suckling on the bottle, he rubbed the boys cheek comfortingly and squeezed the bottle to encourage his baby to begin eating. "There's no need to be embarrassed, baby. Daddy loves feeding his little boy."

Jungkook looked away, unable to face the man as he said screw it to his dignity for the time being. He began sucking on the bottle, pleasantly surprised at the incredible flavor of whatever it was he was drinking. It was warm as it slid down his throat and settled in his belly, and he was eagerly taking longer pulls each time he drank.

Seokjin chuckled at him, "Slow down, baby. It's not going anywhere."

Jungkook listened to the man, slowing down his drinking. He noticed his eyes dropping closed as the warm liquid and the gentle bounces soothed him to sleep.

"No, no, baby. We need to stay awake just a little bit longer," Seokjin cooed to the boy as he ran his fingers gently over the boys face to keep him awake.

Jungkook whined, wanting to fall asleep. He was secretly hoping that if he fell asleep, when he woke up he would be out of this terribly odd dream. He didn't want to admit it, but it scared him how easy and good all of this felt to him.

He knows this isn't something he should be enjoying. He had been kidnapped and was being forced to be an infant for this couple.

But he was being taken care of, he was  being coddled, he was being loved. These were things he hadn't experienced in a very long time. He was scared how easy it seemed to just give in, allow the men to 'help him', as they put it.

He felt the bottle leave him mouth, and he nearly began crying again. Seokjin softly shushed him, "I'm sorry baby, but it was all gone."

Seokjin maneuvered the boy so that he was positioned laying against Jin's chest, his head laying on his shoulder. Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows when Seokjin began patting his lower back in a firm steady pattern.

The force of the pats on his back make him feel a thick wrapping around his waist and around his lower body. Is that what he thinks it is? He wouldn't be surprised, considering the other things that have happened to him thus far, but he's still not very happy about the fact that he's wearing a diaper.

His thoughts were interrupted when a sudden, albeit small, belch escaped his throat. The sudden action made him jump and whimper, not expecting it.

The man holding him chuckled, "My sweet baby."

Jungkook's eyes were closing again, "N-Not a baby..."

Seokjin just smiled fondly, rocking the boy back and forth to further soothe him into sleep. Seokjin faintly hears the front door open once again and Namjoon enters the room, shopping bags lining each of his arms. He notices Seokjin's pointer finger placed against his lips, and he nods in understanding.

Namjoon walks upstairs to Jungkook's nursery as quietly as he can after putting the grocery bags on the island in the kitchen to be put a way later. He enters the nursery, putting away the new clothes he had to buy for the boy- not that he at all minded. Jungkook was smaller than they had expected, so none of the clothes seemed to fit him just right. Namjoon also puts away the few toys he bought the boy, not being able to help himself from grabbing the colorful toys he was sure Jungkook would love one day.

As Namjoon went back down stairs he looked at his beautiful husband, who was smiling fondly at their perfect baby boy. He walks over to them and sets a gentle kiss on each of their foreheads.

Namjoon smiled to himself. This was going better than he had originally anticipated.

baby boy ~ namjinkook Where stories live. Discover now