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When Jungkook awoke again, he sighed heavily when he noticed the ducks, happily spinning in a circle above his face. It hadn't been a dream. He wiggled slightly, but thankfully this time he was able to move more than he was previously since apparently the men didn't swaddle him.

There was, once again, a pacifier in his mouth that he spit out with distaste. He tried to sit up, but the thick padding of the diaper, and his head- which felt incredibly heavy after his break down the day prior- made sitting up near impossible. He whined loudly, not really thinking.

From somewhere on his left he heard a worried gasp, followed by lots of rustling. Jungkook jumped when suddenly there was a face in his line of sight.

"What's wrong, my baby?" It was Seokjin. He looked out of it and disheveled, and for the first time since he woke up, Jungkook took note of how dark it was in the room.

Jungkook blinked up at the other man, not sure if he was really expecting a response or not. Seokjin asks again, "Did you get scared, honey? Or are you hungry?"

Jungkook doesn't say anything, which causes the older man to sigh, but pick him up with a small smile. "Let's go before we wake up appa, yeah?"

He carries Jungkook out of what he guesses would be their bedroom. The younger boy smiles, somewhat evilly, when he notices that the bedside clock read 4:56 AM.

Seokjin brings them both to the living room, and settles himself down on the couch comfortably, positioning Jungkook on top of himself. Jungkook questioned whether or not he should try to fight to get off the man, or even possibly escape, but in his current state he knew he was too weak- both physically and mentally- to attempt anything like that.

He would have to wait until he gained some strength before he tried anything.

Jungkook's eyes were wide as he looked around the living room, something he didn't do yesterday since he was preoccupied with his crying fit- not that anyone could blame him.

He hears a chuckle from behind him, "You're wide awake, huh Koo? No wonder you wanted out of your bassinet so bad."

The man looks at Jungkook endearingly, patting his lower back softly. The man suddenly pulls him closer, and in quick secession he pulls Jungkook's shirt up, pulls the elastic waist band of his pants and his diaper away from his body, and peeked inside.

Jungkook squeaked in alarm, trying to turn around and push the man off, "N-No!"

Seokjin was frowning, "I'm sorry, baby, but I had to check. And I'd be lying if I said I wasn't disappointed."

Jungkook scoffed and tried to get off of Seokjin's lap, but the man held him by the waist. "Honey, you can't hold it forever, you'll get sick."

Jungkook hadn't thought about it before this point, but he did have to use the bathroom. But he wouldn't be caught dead willingly going in a diaper. He was willing to appease these men enough until he got strong enough to plan his escape, but that was one line he wasn't willing to cross.

He got an idea suddenly. He turned his neck as far as it would go to face the man who was holding him. With the cutest pout he could manage, he stared at Seokjin sadly.

Seokjin cooed at him in mock sympathy. "What's wrong, honey?"

"P-Potty, please," he asked softly, trying to make his voice sound as young as he could without humiliating himself.

Seokjin frowned at him. "Baby, you're too little to use the potty. The potty is for big boys. If you go in your diaper I promise daddy will change it for you right away."

That was exactly what he didn't want to happen.

He tried again, "D-Daddy, please? P-Potty?"

The way the man's eyes lit up when Jungkook called him 'daddy' almost made the younger throw up in his mouth. Seokjin pulled him closer and planted a kiss on his cheek, and Jungkook had to resist the urge to react by pulling away violently.

"I appreciate how good your manners are, baby, but you're still too little to use the potty."

Almost instantaneously, Jungkook's pout turned into a glare.

He huffed and crawled off the man's lap toward the other end of the couch. He laid in a fetal position, his head against the arm rest, and his arms pulled close to his body.

He hears Seokjin laugh, "You're mad at daddy now, aren't you?My pouty baby."

Jungkook knows he looks childish, but if that's what they want, it's what they'll get. He huffed loudly and stuck his tongue out at the older man.

"What's going on here?" he hears a new voice, "I woke up at six in the morning and came out here to find my husband and my baby having an argument."

Namjoon was leaning against the door frame, smiling fondly at the two that were now on opposite ends of the couch. Seokjin explains, "I heard Koo whining, and baby was wide awake at five a.m. so I brought him out here so we didn't wake you."

"That doesn't explain why you two don't seem to be getting along at the moment," Namjoon chuckles, knowing it was nothing serious due to the fact that Seokjin was still smiling adoringly at Jungkook.

"He doesn't want to use his diaper, and he got upset when I told him he was too little to use the potty."

Namjoon frowns and walks over, lifting Jungkook to his chest. He ignored the boys whines of protest and held him gently, looking into his face seriously. "Baby wouldn't it be so much easier if you just let appa and daddy take care of you?"

Jungkook glared at him, shaking his head. Namjoon continues, "I don't want to upset you, Koo, but daddy and I aren't gonna change our minds. We just want to take care of you and help you, you know that. This is one of those things we think is important for us to be able to help you."

Jungkook didn't dare question how these men figured him pissing himself would 'help him'.

"I'm gonna go make you a bottle and some breakfast, okay honey?" Seokjin asked as he walked up to the pair, pressing a kiss to both of their cheeks.

Jungkook wiped his cheek defiantly, but Seokjin just laughed and replaced the kiss. Jungkook left it this time, not wanting the man's lips on him a third time.

Seokjin goes into the kitchen, and Namjoon settles both himself and Jungkook down onto the couch. Thankfully, he lets Jungkook sit next to him instead of on his lap.

"Have you ever watched cartoons, baby?" Namjoon asked the boy next to him. Jungkook shakes his head, he had never even heard of 'cartoons'.

Suddenly, there is sound, and a large screen is filled with colors as characters move across it. Jungkook stares in absolute awe, complete transfixed by what he can only assume are cartoons.

Namjoon smiles at the cute reaction, but also finds himself getting a little sad. Small things like this are the reason they were doing this. Jungkook had suffered for far too long, and they were going to help him enjoy the life of being happy, cared for, and loved that he deserved.

Before he could ponder his thoughts for too long, he pulled out his phone, taking a few quick snap shots of Jungkook's adorable reaction to the television. He couldn't wait to show Seokjin.

baby boy ~ namjinkook حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن