"Everything is perfect!"

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It had been three weeks since Jasmine was born, nothing could be more perfect, myself and Brad where both super happy.

I was walking up the stairs to Jasmine's room, I walked in to see Brad laying on the floor surrounded by her toys and Jasmine was laying next to him. I smiled at the sight.

"What's going on here then?" I asked.

"We're watching the stars with that star projector thing we brought her, it's actually quite relaxing you know," He laughed.

"You're sure a kid."

"Come join us?"

"Alright," I moved some of Jasmine's toys out of the way and laid down next to her, then looked at the celling where her star projector was shining.

"This reminds me of the night we spent looking at the stars the night we got married," Brad looked over at me.

I looked over at him. "And we saw that shooting star?"

"Yes, but do you know what the best part of wishing on that star was?"

"No, tell me?"

"That my wish came true!"

"What did you wish for?"

"To have a happy family with you, obliviously I wasn't expecting it to happen so soon, but I'm happy."

"I wished for the same thing."

"You did?" He smiled.

"Yes," I smiled.

"I love you!" He lent over Jasmin being careful not to squish her and softly placed his lips to mine.

"I love you too!"

"One day we should take Jasmin to watch the actual stars, maybe not now as she probably wouldn't understand, but when she's older?"

"I think she'd enjoy that."

"So would I."

"Me too."

We then continued watching Jasmine's star projector with her.


It was mid-day, I was in the kitchen making myself and Brad some lunch and Jasmine a bottle.

"Need any help?" Brad asked.

"Nope, I'm all done," I told him and handed him his lunch.

"Oh, thank you," He smiled.

"You're welcome," I smiled, then walked into the living room. I placed my lunch on the coffee table and then got Jasmin out of her chair and gave her, her bottle.

"Shall we see what's on TV?" Brad asked.

"Sure," I passed him the remote.

He started flicking through the children's programmes until my eyes fell upon on that I thought Jasmine might like.

"Waybuloo! Put that on for her, it's so relaxing," I told him.

"And how would you know that?" He asked.

"I used to watch it with my youngest cousin."

"And you thought I was the kid?"

"Just put it on."

"Alright," He put the programme on and started watching it while eating his lunch.

I continued feeding Jasmine, then winded her. I went to put her back in her chair until Brad stopped me.

"I wanna hold her," He held out his arms.

"Okay, that's fine," I passed him to her, then took his plate out into the kitchen, I then went back into the living room to find Brad fully fascinated by the programme.

"Wow look Jasmine, that rabbit can fly!" He told her.

"You're liking this aren't you?" I asked.

"It's really relaxing."

"I told you, didn't I?"

"Yes! Now hurry up and eat your lunch so we can cuddle with Jasmine."

"Alright." I ate my lunch and put my plate on the coffee table, I then cuddled up to Brad and Jasmine.


I was awoken to the sound of Brad softly singing nursery rhymes to Jasmine.

"Oh, hi Mummy how was your nap?" Brad said in the childish voice while holding Jasmine in front of his face.

"What are you doing?" I laughed.

"Daddy's been boring me with nursery rhymes, I want cuddles with my Mummy!" Brad continued with the childish voice, he passed Jasmine to me then got up from the sofa.

"He's so silly isn't he?" I whispered to Jasmine.

"You think I'm silly?" He asked.

"In a good way!"

"Oh," He paused. "Wait, can we watch Aladdin?"


He looked for our DVD of Aladdin and put it in the DVD player. He then grabbed a blanket and draped it over me and Jasmine.

"I'm just gonna go get some snacks for us and a bottle for Jasmine and I'll be back okay?" He kissed mine and Jasmine's foreheads then went into the kitchen, a few minutes later he returned with some popcorn and a bottle for Jasmine. He climbed under the blankets and cuddled up to me and her.

"Comfy?" I asked.

"Yes, shall I press play?"


He pressed played on the remote and Aladdin began to play, we all settled down into the movie.

"You know what?" He looked over at me.

"What?" I turned to look at him.

"Everything is perfect!" He smiled. "I couldn't ask for a better family."

"I couldn't agree more!" I smiled.

"I love you so much, it's crazy."

"I love you so much too, it's crazy."

He then softly placed his lips to mine, then kissed Jasmine on the forehead. "And you, we love you very much, you're perfect!"

"She sure is." I kissed her forehead.

He smiled at me and I smiled back, we then continued to watch the rest of Aladdin. Everything was perfect, him, Jasmine, married life, just everything. I couldn't of picked a better man to spend the rest of my life with and to start a family with. I loved him so much, he's my entire world. Jasmine as well of course.

Realisation and Love|Brad Simpson Where stories live. Discover now