"What the heck was you thinking?"

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I slowly opened my eyes. My surroundings where so different. I rubbed my eyes to take away the sleepiness. I looked around the room. I was in hospital.

I can't exactly remember how I got here, it was all just one big blur. All I remember was hearing a loud bang and then everything fading to black. Everything else that may have happened before or after, I don't remember. Suddenly the door opened, it was a nurse.

"Hi sweetie, the police are here, they want to speak to you about what happened," She spoke softly.

"But I -" I began.

"Miss Y/L/N?" The police officer spoke, cutting me off.


"Do you remember the events of what happened last night?"

"No," I began. "I can't remember any of it, the only thing I can remember is hearing a loud bang and everything fading to black. What happened? Why am I here?"

"You was in a car crash. You managed to get away with just a few cuts and bruises, but we're keeping you in for observations as we believe you've got concussion from hitting your head, which is probably why you don't remember anything," The nurse informed me.

"I was in a car crash? Was there any other people involved?" I asked, I couldn't remember if Brad had come with me or not.

"Yes, another car crashed into the side of your car," The police officer spoke.

"Oh... Is the driver of the other car okay?" I paused. "I'm really sorry but I can't remember anything!"

"He managed to get away with a broken leg. We presume we was drink driving. Also I understand if you don't remember anything providing the injuries you have sustained. But if you do happen to remember anything then please give me a call," She handed me a card with her number on.

"Thank you, I will do!"

"Thank you Miss Y/L/N!" The police officer then left.

"Is there anyone you'd like me to call? A relative possibly?" The nurse asked.

"Could you call my boyfriend?"

"Of course!"

I gave her Brad's details so she could call him for me. I didn't want him to know about what happened to me if I'm honest, I didn't even want any of my family to know. But I had no one, Brad was the only person closest to me as of right now all of my family and my closest friends where miles away, so it was probably best if I informed him somehow.


I had just woken from a nap as the nurse had come and informed me that Brad had arrived. She sent him in.

"Brad! You -" I began.

"What the heck was you thinking?" He spat, cutting me off.

"I-I d-d-don't know," I trembled.

"You could've fucking died Y/N!"

"I-I didn't know... I was gonna g-get... into a c-ca-car crash."

"That's not the fucking point I'm trying to make. You still could've fucking died."

I felt tightness in my chest. I couldn't breath. I gasped for air.

"Y/N?" Brad shouted with panic.

I gasped for air again.

"Y/N just fucking breathe."

Suddenly the nurse came rushing in and asked Brad to step out of the room. She then came back to me and increased my oxygen level. She stayed with me until my breathing had resumed at a normal pace. She stepped outside the room to talk to Brad.

Realisation and Love|Brad Simpson Where stories live. Discover now