"This is one of the best days of my life!"

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I was awoken by Brad gently shaking me.

"Baby, wake up. It's time to leave," He whispered.

I let a groan and slowly opened my eyes. "What time is it?" I asked.

"Time for us to go on holiday!" He jumped out of bed and started jumping up and down in excitement. Gosh he can be so cute at times.

"Don't tell me you've booked for us to go to Disneyland or World with the amount of excitement you have," I laughed.

"I might have," He gave me the cutest grin ever.

"Oh my god, have you actually?"

"I'm not saying anything."


"Ugh, fine. As much as you love Disney no, we're not going to Disneyland or World, but we can for something else!" He smiled cheekily and then headed off down stairs.

I shook my head and then dragged myself out of bed to go and get ready.


I made my way down stairs to see that Brad had already packed our suitcases into the car.

"Baby, why are you dressed like you're going to the North Pole?" He laughed.

"I get cold on planes alright?" I rolled my eyes.

He laughed again. "C'mon!"

"But we haven't had breakfast yet."

"We can grab something at the airport."

"Alright," I rolled my eyes and went and got into his car.

He came out with Jesse.

"Is Jesse coming with us?" I asked.

"No, I'm dropping her off at my parents so they can look after her," He placed her on the back seat and then got into the drivers seat.

"Ready?" He asked.

"Yeah, but then again I'm a little nervous as you haven't told me where we're going."

He placed his hand on my thigh. "Just trust me okay. Everything's gonna be fine, I've got it all planned."

"If you say Mr Simpson!"

I buckled my seatbelt and he did the same.

"I know so Mrs Simpson."

"Wait did you just call me Mrs Simpson?"

"Um, maybe?" He laughed nervously. "Jesse you alright back there?"

I laughed at how quickly he changed the subject. It wasn't the first time he's called me Mrs Simpson and then changed the subject to something else. He started the car and drove to his parents.


We arrived at his parents house about ten minutes later. I got out of the car and said my goodbye's to Jesse.

"Bye Jess, you be good," I patted her head. I then went to see Brad's parents who both pulled me into a warm hug.

"How are you sweetie? You're looking a lot better!" Anne said.

"I'm much better than I was thank you. I mean it still effects me mentally, but on the more physical side of things I'm doing much better!"

"Oh, it's bound to. But as long as you're okay?" Derek asked.

"Yeah I'm fine," I reassured him and Anne. "Brad has been a massive help, I don't think I would've got though it if it wasn't for him!"

"What's that?" Brad asked as he came over after getting Jesse's stuff out the car.

Realisation and Love|Brad Simpson Where stories live. Discover now