"It's a..."

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It was time for my twenty week scan, we was hopefully going to find out if we were having a little girl or boy. I put one of Brad's hoodies on and a pair of his joggers. He popped his head round the bedroom door.

"Are you ready to go baby?" He asked.

"Yes, are you?" I smiled at him.

"Wait, that's the hoodie I was going to wear today."

"Oh, sorry. Do you want me to wear another one?"

"No, it's okay. I'll just get another one," He went over to his side of our wardrobe and pulled out a hoodie.

"You ready now?" I asked.

"I think so? Have you got everything?" He looked around the room.

"Yup! I've put my records in my bag downstairs so I'm ready, all I need to do is put my shoes on."

"Alright baby girl, I'm just gonna go to the toilet and I'll be with you alright?"

"Okay baby boy, I'll go wait in the car," I gave him a quick kiss, I headed down the stairs, put my shoes on and grabbed my bag, then went and waited in the car.

Brad came out five minutes later.

"I brought some biscuits, just in case you know, cravings?" He smiled at me as he got into the car, he handed me the biscuits.

"You're so adorable at times, I can't cope," I laughed at him.

He laughed as well. "Shall we go find out what little one is then?" He placed his hand on my stomach.

"Yes, what do want little one to be?" I placed my hand over his.

"I don't mind as long as he or she is a happy and healthy baby, what about you? What do you want?"

"I feel the same, I don't mind what we have as long as he or she is a happy and healthy little one!" I smiled at him.

He smiled back and started the car, then drove to the hospital.


We arrived at the hospital, I went to open the car door but Brad ran round and opened it for me.

"I'm capable of opening the door you know?" I told him.

"I know, but I just want to help," He held out his hand.

I took his hand. "Let's go then!" I got out of the car, he closed the door for me.

We then made our way to the maternity ward, we sat in the waiting room and waited to be called in. After about a twenty minute wait we where called in. I got onto the bed and pulled my hoodie up and my joggers down so my bump was now exposed. I held my hand out for Brad to hold and he took it.

"This might be a little cold," The doctor spoke, then applied the scanner over my stomach.

"Can we find out the sex of our little one today if possible?" Brad asked.

"Of course," The doctor smiled at us both, then moved the scanner to determine the sex of the baby.

Brad gripped my hand tighter, I looked at him and smiled.

"Its a...," She paused. "Girl!"

"We're having a baby girl?" Brad beamed.


"She's going to be so beautiful just like her Mummy."

I blushed. "Brad you're so cheesy."

"I'm only telling you the truth baby girl," He kissed me on the cheek.

"Shall I print some pictures for you both?" The doctor asked.

"Please?" I smiled at her.

She printed off some photos for us and handed them to Brad. She then handed me some tissue to wipe the gel off my stomach. I then pulled my joggers back up and hoodie down then hopped off the bed. Me and Brad thanked the doctor and made our way back to the car.

"I can't believe we're having a baby girl!" Brad beamed.

"Me either, you're gonna spoil her aren't you?" I smiled at him.

"Yes, I'm going to buy her all the princess themed things possible, because she is my little princess! In fact can we stop by Ikea on the way home to have a look at stuff for her?"

"Of course baby."

We got into the car and made our way to Ikea.


We pulled up at Ikea and made our way into the shop. Brad instantly ran off towards the kids section.

"Oh my god!" I heard him shout.

"Brad?" I called out to him.

"Over here baby."

I walked over to him.

"What do you think of this?" He asked pointing to a princess cot.

"It's adorable."

"Can we get it for her?"


We then continued to walk around the shop picking up random and bits and pieces for her.

"Can we go to the city centre and go to the Disney shop so I can get her a Jasmine toy?" Brad asked.

"If that's what you'd like to do?" I smiled.

"Yes c'mon."

We went to the checkout and paid for everything, then packed everything into the car and made our way into the city centre.


We arrived at the city centre, Brad instantly got out of the car and headed towards the Disney shop.

"Brad, would you slow down!" I shouted to him.

"Sorry, I'm just really excited!" He came back to me and held my hand.

"I know, but I can't run after you like I used to."

"Sorry baby girl."

"It's okay baby boy."

We when walked into the Bullring Shopping Centre and headed towards the Disney shop.

"It feels like we're back at Disney, I want to bring her here when she's born and take her to actual Disney," Brad smiled at me.

"We will baby, we will," I smiled back at him.

He made his way over to the stuffed toys and picked up a Jasmine and Aurora toy. "Might as well get her Mummy's favourite Disney princess as well!"

"Is there anything else we need?"

"Um, I don't think so? If so we can always get it closer to the due date."


We headed over to the checkout and paid for her Jasmine and Aurora toy.

"Who are you buying these for today?" The girl at the checkout asked us.

"Our daughter." Brad told her, then placed his hand on our stomach.

"Awww, I'm sure she'll love them. Congratulations by the way!" She smiled at us.

"Thank you!" Me and Brad said at the same time, we got our items and made our way back to the car, we then headed home.

Realisation and Love|Brad Simpson Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant