Kidnapped; 26

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Quick A/N: I'll be changing the title to "She is the Eighth" hope you guys cope with it..

Jin's PoV
"Oh shut up you jamless person!" Namjoon said to Jimin. We all let out a laugh after that and I let out my famous windshield wiper laugh, at least that's what Army calls it. "Yah! Jiwoonie-noona-" Jungkook started. "Uhmmmm, hyungs; where's Jiwoonie-noona?" Jungkook asked confused, with a slight hint of fear. "Mwo? What do you mean 'where's Jiwoon?' She right-" Namjoon said "—here?" He turned around but he was only greeted by    air, "what the?- Princess?! Where are you?!?" I shouted. The othet members widen their eyes and started looking for Jiwoon too.

"W-whe-where is she???" Jungkook asked helplessly, "why ca-can't we- fi-find her hyung?" Jimin asked me. "I don't know Jimin-ah, I just hope she's ok..." I said.

Everyone either had swollen eyes from crying, a runny nose, both, or they either had tears in their eyes, but it was never falling down.

We heard Yoongi's phone ring, he pulled it out of his pocket and answered it. He put it on speaker because it's caller Id was unknown

Italics- voice in the other line
Bold & Italics- dangerous tone of the other line
Normal- Suga
Bold- dangerous tone of someone in Bangtan

"Ahh, is this Suga from BTS?"
"Yes why? Who is this?"
"My name isn't important in this time, I'm here because J want 500 million won from you"
"Uhm, what make's you think that we would give you that much money when we don't even know you...."

The unknown person video called Yoongi and he asked for permission to the police, they gave a nod and Yoongi accepted the call. The police bluetoothed his phone so that the video in the call would be shown to all of us.

Gasps erupted from the room when the annonymous man showed us Jiwoon, she was beaten up, brusied and bleeding. A pool of blood surrounded her and since her shirt was off (leaving her in her sports bra) and her jeans were cut off leaving her in ripped shorts.

"Do you perhaps know her? Your precious princess? Kim Jiwoon?" The mysterious person gave off a evil laugh.
"What the hell did you do to her?" Hoseok said to the phone after he snatched Yoongi's phone out of his hands. Bangtan surrounded the phone
"What does it look like? You see her right? I beat her up, I broke her and I may or may not have touched her breasts." The man on the other line said. Bangtan's eyes darken and widen in surprise.
"You fućking bìtch!" Jimin shouted into the phone. We only heard laughing and then we saw the camera getting set somewhere.

We anxiously waited for him to come back. "Jiwoon- noona! Wake up!!!" Jungkook shouted. We saw Jiwoon move a little and 'oh fudge cakes and waffles' I thought. That man came back with a bucket. And a....


Author's PoV
Jin's eyes widen as he looked at the other members. Taehyung had Jungkook in his arms as Jungkook cried on Taehyung's shoudler. Jimin had his hands on his mouth as his eyes proudced more tears. Namjoon went to the cops and was trying to help the cops trace the call and Hoseok and Suga looked like the where doing everything they can to not attack the screen right there and there.

"Now, I want you to answer my questions. And for every question you don't answer and for every wrong answer you make~" the man made a pause

"Let's just say, Jiwoon's back will be bloody and sore..."

Again, bangtan's eyes widen in shock, Jungkook's crying worsened, Taehyung and Jimin where trying to comfort Jungkook and each other, Suga and Hobi broke down and cried, and Jin and Namjoon fell to the floor with tears flowing down their face.

"Each of you will take turns in answering my questions, and if each of you turns down, she will suffer the wrath of lemon juice!"

Jungkook's eyes showed confusion. 'The wrath of lemon juice?' How can that be suffering?. "Incase that you may be thinking that how can Jiwoon suffer by lemon juice. I'll just pour the stuff on her back and watch her scream! Sounds fun right!?"


"First question~ what's my name? Jungkook, you answer..." the man said. "Uhh-ummm-uhhm, I-I don't know." "Tsk tsk tsk..." the whip came down on Jiwoon's back and she screamed in agony. "PLEASE DON'T HURT HER" Jungkook pleaded. "Oh don't worry, for every wrong answer OR for every time you turn down, she will get one whip each time..."

"Next question! Jin you answer! Who do you think I'am???" "Uhmmmmm, Jiwoon's old boyfriend who cheated on her with a richer girl back then?" Jin answered.

Nobody answered and we only heard Jiwoon's heavy breathing and her quiet sobs while we saw her just laying on the floor.

"You're correct Jin" the voice said


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