Jiwoon answering questions; 15

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A/N: this is just Jiwoon answering some questions of fans.

Q: Noona? Is is hard being an Idol?
A: yes, very much. But I'm grateful our fans for giving us strength.

Q: Unnie, why are you so pretty?
A: me? Pretty? Kekeke, I look like a squashed seal to be honest; but if that's what you call pretty then thank you!

Q: Is it hard living with 7 guys unnie?
A: yes, they're so loud and annoying sometimes, kekeke not that 'loud'. And they're also really overprotective of me. So I can't really do anything with guys except for them without permission from all of them.

Q:  How are you so sassy when your mad, yet your super scary at the same time?
A: I don't know. I guess I got it from my mom. She was very sassy when she was mad.

Q: I'm sorry for this question. But did you want to die before when your parents died?
A: ........................... Yes, gods can you please hug me?

Q: Where in Greek where you born noona?
A: I was born in Athens actually

Q: I heard that you moved when you were young? Where unnie?
A: I moved to the Philippines. City of Ilagan, Isabela

Q: Will you be publishing more solo songs noona? And will you be doing more duets?
A: 1. Maybe 2. Yes I'll be doing more duets

Q: If you found Jungkookie eating your favorite muffin sexily, what would you do?
A: I would smack him in the head and say "how dare you steal my muffins!"

Q: What is your favorite food noona?
A: Canibonara (kekekeke)

Q: If you were to date someone in Bangtan, who would it be?
A: I don't know. They're all so perfect and boyfriend material, it's really hard to pick.

Q: what did you first think of them?
A: Namjoon: he was really scary, but when I talked to him it turned out he was really a big softy
    Seokjin: he had that Eomma vibe so I really looked up to him before.
     Yoongi: turns out I was the first one to see his soft side before. I was surprised when I heard he was cold and and intovert.
     Hoseok: he was a sunshine, he was a but annoying at first but I grew to be close to him.
    Jimin: he was such a mochi before! We were really close since we were both going ballet before.
    Taehyung: we already knew eachothet before, so we were just casually talking and hanging out.
     Jungkook: I joined because of him. He was actually really shy when he met the members.


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