Vlive; 18

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Jiwoon's PoV

"——and Yeah, that's how I got my scar" I explained

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"——and Yeah, that's how I got my scar" I explained. I looked at the comment section and smiled as I saw some comments saying "waaaah, we must protect this clumsy baby at all times!" And "this girl will be the death of me..." I giggled and did a heart sign over my head. "Omo, unnie you sweater is daebak! Where did you get it?" A fan asked. Others agreed and said stuff like "true, true" "she has really good taste" and "*Steals sweater*". "I got it from a convenience store, I won a bet against the maknae line and they gave me the money and I saw this sweater and, I just though, 'wow, this explains me so much' that's why I bought it" I said, smiling as I releived the memory.

"DInG, DoNG" I heard a voice say outside my door. "Who is it?" I said back as I looked at the camera of my phone. "It's your favorite people!!!" I heard Jimin say. "Oh, the pizza guy is here!!!" I said clapping. I saw comments saying stuff like "Sass queen strikes again" "Don't mess with the sass goddess" "Worldwide Sass Queen" and "Bultourene!!!!"

"Ok, ok. I'm kidding guys!" I said as they attacked me as soon as I opened my door. "Kekekeke" they laughed. "Where is Jin hyung?" I asked. "He's asleep now." Jungkook answered eating some chips he brought. "Yah! We're leaving tommorow. You better not make a mess in my room!" I said. "Ok, ok. Fine noona." Jungkook said while rolling his eyes. "Aish, this kid" I mumbled while rolling my eyes too.

"Noona, can you sing House of Cards using Jin's lines?" I fanboy asked. "Uhhhh, sure. If it's ok witht he others." I said while looking at the rest of the maknar line. "It's fine with me" Jk said. Both Jimin and Taehyung just nodding.

After we sang the comment section flooded with compliments of our singing. Except for this one gurl who texted this comment

"Tyche sucks, she cant sing, dance nor rap. She is the most untalented idol I have seen in my life. Why is she even with a group of goodlooking boys. It make her look more ugly than she already is, and why does she deserve to be in a group of TALENTED people?"

My eyes teard up but I quickly blinked it away. "If I was untalented. Tell me why I was wanted by 12 other companies." I sassed. All the Armies commented "OOOOOOOOOOOOF" and I laughed. I looked at the boys who were giving me a thumbs up while trying to calm themselves "Saragheyooooo Tyche!!!" Armies commented and they also commented the opposite of the hate I recived from the anti fan of mine.

I love our fans

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