{Chapter 35}

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Just so that you don't get confused:
Mia's parents are:
Cecelia and Desmond

Cathy's parents are:
Celestine and Dominic

Enjoy :)

Kira and Mia trudged silently back to the palace- severely wounded, exhausted, starved of food and thoroughly dehydrated- they wanted nothing more than to collapse on the ground.

Stumbling, they reached the palace gates, Mia shuffled up to the soldiers guarding the gates.

"Princess I am, --go in," Mia mumbled a senseless excuse, clutching her bleeding arm. To her surprise the guard chuckled softly.

"You may enter, dear Princess," he said in a deep, familiar voice which filled Mia with warmth. She looked up to see Eric smiling down at her.

"Eric..", Mia exclaimed, her eyes lighting up." T--Thanks".

Eric bowed as the pair went inside and with much effort ascended the staircase which seemed to never end. Each step was a burden but soon they reached the landing.

Mia stood in front of her parent's room, heart thumping loudly in her chest as wrinkles creased her forehead.

She glanced at Kira who nodded encouragingly, Mia inhaled sharply and slowly turned the doorknob.

"Oh come on already! The suspense is driving me mad!", Kira shouted and pushed the door open. Immediately two relieved voices cried out in unison.


And she was wrapped in the comforting arms of her parents.

"Oh Darling. I--I," Cecelia trailed off as she sobbed on Mia's shoulder.

"Mum," Mia smiled and hugged her mother tightly as her father stroked her hair, a proud smile gracing his face.

"Oh Mia, my Princess, my baby," Cecelia tightened her embrace and Mia winced." Are you okay sweetheart? Mia?", Cecelia shook Mia who was swaying to and fro as if she was drunk and soon she fell into her mothers lap, enveloped by her soft, flowery scent. Revelling in the fact that she was finally safe.

"Oh Mia!", her mother wept as her father yelled for the servants and she felt herself being lifted up in the air and then she closed her eyes.

Mia opened her eyes to see her mother stroking her hair and her father clutching her hand.

"You grew up to be such a beautiful, independent lady," Cecelia wiped a tear." I'm so proud of you honey. I can't believe I have my baby back!".

"Yes. I'll personally attend to the Sangfwads about this matter afterwards," Desmond clenched his teeth.

"Are you feeling good Mia? Sweety do you want anything?", Cecelia asked.

"Just both of you," Mia said weakly and her parents smiled at her.

"When I woke up and heard about you being alive and returning, I was ecstatic but then--" Cecelia started.

Desmond let out a booming laugh." Then I told her about the quest and she almost ate me raw for letting you do such a thing!".

Mia laughed, loving the attention showered upon her.

"Here, drink this. You'll feel good," Cecelia handed her a tall glass with deep purple liquid. Mia sat up and took the frosty glass of berry juice.

"Now Mia. Tell is everything, everything!", Desmond clasped his hands together as Mia sipped the delicious juice and nodded.

Mia told her parents everything from the start to the finish, scolding her often for taking risks. Mia exaggerated something's and her parents praised her bravery.

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