{Chapter 11}

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The events of last night made Mia realize that Aunt Ruby was severely depressed and needed professional help and so Mia forgave all the horrible things that her Aunt did to her.

She's not mad, just sad.

Mia managed to smuggle a few packets of crisps and biscuits via Alessandro and sat in her room, eating the snacks with Ivory and trying to work out a way to persuade  her Aunt to get counselling.

Maybe if she gets proper help, she'll treat me as she did before the money-not-being-paid thing..

"Aunt Ruby?," her Aunt sat motionless on the couch, looking out through the large window at her garden, a thin plume of smoke drifted up from a cigarette held between her fingers."Aunt Ruby.."

"Will you just keep AuntRuby-ing or bark something?," her Aunt snapped.

"I..I just wanted to..talk to you," Mia inched closer to the couch.

"Well then what are you doing right now?," her Aunt replied saucily.

"No, I mean properly..about..yester-."

"I don't want to talk about it, I won't get counselling or go to therapy. I'm not insane you fool nor am I depressed," her Aunt tapped her cigarette, letting ashes collect in a glass tray.

"But Aunt Ruby the things you said-," Mia began.

"I know what I said, it was just the alcohol getting to my brain, I am not sad, I'm perfectly happy in my mansion, rolling in bucks and gems," she fingered her diamond choker and gave a small laugh," And who the hell would I actually be sad for? My unfair parents? My cheating fiancé? Ugh no darling! Non!," she snapped her fingers and laughed.

She's cloaking her misery under fake happiness.

"Aunt Ruby I think those people are exactly why you are sad," Mia said softly, facing her Aunt.

"Don't feel sorry for me, feel sorry for yourself!," she flung the cigarette and it landed on Mia's toe, the hot embers searing her skin.

"Ow,"Mia winced and brushed off the cigarette stub on the floor where it crumbled into glowing embers.

"It's you who don't even know your parents need you!." Aunt Ruby neared Mia and slapped her head.

I take back everything, I don't forgive you. I hope you die.

"See? That is why you require help for randomly hitting people and also since yesterday you are talking about my parents strangely, for the hundredth time, they don't love me!,"Mia said, exasperated.

"Oh shut up! Your adoptive parents did tell me you were a dumb-ass but I never thought you'd be so stupid and thick!," her Aunt threw her hands in the air in defeat.

"Why am I dum- wait you said adoptive parents..? Are you okay?," Mia questioned, remembering her Aunt's glazed over, dilated pupils last night."Are you on drugs?."

She has finally lost it.

"Oh for Gods sake! First I am an alcoholic then depressed, then a lunatic and finally a druggie, what's next? Prostitute?," Aunt Ruby rolled her eyes and walked towards the window, fresh sunlight flooded her face, making her eyes shine dangerously," Your adoptive parents means someone who adop-."

"I..I know what adoptive parents mean!," Mia cried, utterly confused."Why would I need adoptive parents, I have my own-ugh what are you saying?."

"Your real parents gave you to your adoptive parents, what's so complex about that? I respect your dumb headedness but anyone can understand what I sa-," her Aunt shook her head as Mia cried out in frustration, she furrowed her brows, thinking."I have been dropping hints to you since forever! But you still choose to be an ignorant little bastard!".

What hints?!

A million questions swirled in her mind like a giant torpedo, she decided that she'd have to start with the simplest of questions.

"Who are my adoptive parents?."

"The Sangfwads."

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