{Chapter 34}

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Venom braced himself and blew a dust storm at Mia, she shrieked as it temporarily blinded her and when she opened them, Venom lunged at her with a sword, she ducked just in time. She heard Cathy scream as Venom struck again and slashed her already wounded arm. Mia winced but didn't give him the satisfaction of seeing her crying out.

Sword. Sword Come on.

A long, sharp sword appeared in Mia's hand. Venom gasped as Mia took advantage of the opportunity, took a step forward and aimed at his chest, he moved back barely in time and the grazed his chest.

"You piece of --", He said and commanded a swarm of bees to her. Mia screamed as they circled her and stung her while Venom laughed and showered her with rain. The bees constantly attacked her and the water made it difficult to see.

"Having fun Pwincess?", the bees dispersed and Venom hurled a fireball at Mia, she moved just in time and the fire burnt a hole through the wall, behind her.

Mia moved forward and kicked him on his leg as Kira screamed. Venom didn't even wince and a vortex of wind came rushing at Mia, sucking at her face. Her limbs ached and bled and one of her eye swelled, making it more difficult to see.

"Take this!", Venom said and a green mist polluted the air and drifted towards Mia. She tried to block it but the fumes reached out towards her with yellow tentacles and choked her. Mia gasped and panted on the ground as her vision faded. The fainting mist vanished.

"I'll wipe your tears, fight all that you fear"

Mia opened her eyes.

"I'll always be right here" , the voice was soft and gentle, someone stroked her hair lovingly.

"Don't you give up Love. I am with you"

Mia closed her eyes as the voice faded.

"I'll always be with you..."

"I won. I won! This kingdom is mine!", Venom's voice rasped as Mia partially opened her eyes, Venom laughed as Cathy stood in a corner." Stupid King and stupid Queen and stupid Pwincesh. Dead! All dead!".

He called my parents stupid. How dare he..

"These jerks can never defe--"

"Enough!", Mia stood up, clutching her bleeding arm. His smile was wiped of his face as Mia clenched her teeth and smiled.

"Let's fight".

Venom roared and ran towards her.

Rage enveloped Mia as she saw Venom near her, she saw nothing except her enemies and she put forward her palm." You'll NEVER be King Venom!", at that moment, flames licked her palms and balls of fire were hurled at Venom, he gasped in surprise and moved to the left but one of them scorched his skin and he fell to the ground, crying in pain.

"YOU'LL NEVER DEFEAT ME!", Mia screamed and used both her hands as an icy feeling wrapped itself around her and sharp shards of ice buried themselves in Venom and Cathy's body as they screamed.

Venom stood up and directed a swarm of wasps towards her but Mia was ready. She felt a tingling sensation all over her body and threw bolts of lightning at him. The wasps went back to Venom who ducked behind a chair before heaving it at Mia.

Shield. Shield

Her sword transformed to a big, metal shield and the chair smashed against it. Mia smirked and heard Kira scream, looking at her, Cathy had transformed into a snake and tried to bite Kira.

"No," Mia whispered and directed a purple mist towards Cathy, temporarily blinding her as Kira threw ice shards at her.

"Arghh!", Venom yelled and a huge bomb of ashes and lava burst over Mia, she screamed as some of the lava dripped over her skin." Yes!".

Her blood boiled and her heart raced as she saw Venom build up a wall of water to throw it at her.

Mia felt an electrical feeling over her as she combined shards of lightning, molten fire and ash and threw it at Venom. There was a huge explosion as the ball hit his chest and burst over Venom, his water wall evaporated and he yelled, collapsing to the floor.

Mia kneeled on the floor and panted trying to regain her composure, her hands shook and her breath hitched as she coughed.

"Kira," Mia whispered and with great effort, got up. Wincing in pain, she approached Kira who lay motionlessly, covered in her own blood. Cathy was nowhere to be seen."kira," she collapsed beside Kira and clutched her cold hand.

"Get up Kira. We did it". Mia whispered, shaking Kira's hand." Come on".

Tears formed in her eyes as her voice cracked." Kira?".

Kira's finger twitched and she strived to open her eyes.

"Kira. We did it!", Mia said as Kira opened her eyes.

"We did?", she asked hoarsely.

Mia nodded," yes," a tear dripped down her cheek as she helped Kira get up.

"Stop!", the dreaded voice rang in their ears and both girls froze." Not so easy to defeat me".

They turned to see Venom on his feet, he had Cathy pinned under his arm and a had a sharp knife at her neck. Cathy wriggled and moved to escape his clutch.

"I'll kill her. It'll be easy," Venom said and the knife slit some of Cathy's skin, a trail of blood slipped down her neck.

"Go ahead," Mia lowered her gaze, a heavy feeling in the pit of her stomach as she saw Cathy's tears, betrayed by her brother. So helpless.

"I'll slit her throat if you don't give me the charm," Venom threatened as tears ran down Cathy's cheek.

"I'm so sorry Mia. He threatened me to tell him your position or he'd kill my parents. I didn't want to, I'm so so--" Cathy started.

"Stop this drama!", Venom said." The charm. Now!"

Mia moved forward and started taking off the charm when suddenly Kira screamed.

"Cathy Duck!".

Cathy pushed with all her face as Venom stumbled back in surprise, she ducked and Kira threw an ice bomb at him. Cathy turned around and punched him on the face as blood flowed from his nose.

"Next time you gamble, bet your own life loser!", Cathy spat and went towards Mia.

"I'm so so--".

"It's okay Cat--"

"Mia duck!", Kira screamed as Venom hurled an ice shard straight at Mia's heart. Mia closed her eyes waiting for the pain but it never came. When she opened them again Cathy screamed and lay twitching at her feet.

"No!", Mia screamed, she picked up a dagger and with extreme precision threw it at Venom. He screamed as the dagger buried itself deep in his heart and his soul left his body. Finally defeated.

"Cathy," Mia kneeled beside her," Why'd you sacrifice yourself for me?".

" I trust you to restore peace and happiness to this kingdom Mia, promise me--", Cathy breathed heavily and coughed," Promise me you'll take care of my parents".

"I--I promise", Mia said as Cathy closed her eyes and breathed softly.

"Take care of you--yourselves lo--losers," a serene smile tugged at her lips as she took a last, shuddering breath and left this world.

"Oh Cathy," Mia cried.

A deathly silence enveloped them as both girls mourned Cathy. Venom's body lay in the corner, soaked in his own blood. Mia clutched her bleeding arm tightly and wrapped Kira in a hug.

"You did it," Kira said softly.

"No", Mia looked sadly at Cathy.

"We did it".

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